Greg Hundred

Walk Hard is a good movie from beginning to end.

Look, a honest to goodness dyed in the wool racist.

What happened to just “Fuck You, Meghan”? I don’t watch the view, but as a 58 year old African American who’s heard all of the bullshit come out of White America’s mouth over the years when the issue is the Black family, family values or just values period, to hear White people now just try to brush off or excuse any

[NRA] help[s] America’s young people enjoy outdoor recreational activities. These activities enable them to appreciate America and enjoy our natural resources with wholesome and healthy outdoor recreational and educational programs.

Without their coolers, all these snowflakes are gonna melt.

And finally, there’s Sly and the Family Stone. They’re not really superheroes, though. More just like everyday people. 

No. Fuck Kanye. I’m not interested in giving people passes for dangerous, harmful ideas because they do one thing I like. There’s a fucking line when someone crosses over from being well meaning but misguided to dangerous and as far as I’m concerned Kanye just soft shoed his dumb ass across that line onto dangerous

I worked in a film center in San Francisco that housed multiple non-profit film festivals in the City. There was the silent film festival/black & white film festival, there was the green film festival, the asian american film festival, the LGBT film festival (where I worked for a time), and the jewish film festival.

He really has adapted to being in an ownership position really fast. If only he was that accepting of the switch to third.

The immortal baseball traditions: the 7th-inning stretch, peanuts, Cracker Jacks, and white dudes telling minorities to know their place.

You could always just grab her by the pussy then ask her how she feels about it

What I don’t understand is why the NHL would think their audience is right for an ad defending a bumbling grifter of a chief executive.

Fucking black people doesn’t shield you from accusations of racism, you stupid motherfucker.

Then get off your ass and make a “Problem with Cletus” documentary.

As a non-American, I want to say this: Prior to 2017, I had always thought that America was a nation of kind, compassionate people blotted sparsely with the ugliness that invariably exists in any large group of people.

*extremely guy walking into a weekday, daytime baseball game voice*

I hope LeBron James ditches Cleveland again and forever. I hope whoever they draft with the first pick in the NFL draft is a complete and total bust. I hope the Indians finish in last place.

Now that the Red Sox and both Chicago teams have won Series’ recently we really need a fun name for Cleveland’s struggles that’ll bring back some of that fun Billy Goat-Bambino stuff that Baseball’s so good at.

First. You can forget about those military bases. They and everything in them are property of the United States Government. Remember? You ain’t part of that anymore in this hypothetical. And if you think those Marines would choose to stay with the side of South Carolina, well, that’s treason, and they gon’ die.

At least in the case of MST3K or early Simpsons, the references were never the focus of the gag - they were more of a seasoning that only the most eagle-eyed of observers (or people who watched DVD commentaries) picked up on. Things like slyly recreated shots or semi-quoted bits of dialog inserted for humorous