Greg Hundred

Netflix is really hammering the point of the importance of constraints to make art flourish. Why is this film two hours long? Why the fuck are the Marvel show 13 episodes of wheel spinning? Because at Netflix, we don’t care about pacing, all we care about are binge watchers!

Nothing warms my Socialist heart like public OWNING.

You, sir, just made my day. I just created an account to comment here, because I couldn’t have thought of a better practical exemple to demonstrate how stupid and misguided are people who think they could “do better than the police” in these situations.

By the by, I love that The GOP and The Puppet now want to arm teachers. They spent the last 40 years calling us lazy, uncaring, and incompetent, yet now we’re armed to save everyone (no body armor, by the by). Seriously, thanks, white people, you fucked us all hard by voting for The GOP.

Meanwhile, Florida just declared porn a public health risk...because it’s only okay for teenagers to shoot loads so long as they come out the barrel of a gun.

“These teens, not familiar with things like access and correspondents dinners. They’re not burning their bridges, they’re burning the bridge construction materials! They’ll never have a future in journalism!”

The comics JUST finished a storyline where the people DID rise up. T’challa had to fight against his own people, and realized the absolute monarchy was, indeed, messed up. They’re in the process of forming a constitutional monarchy, he’s relinquished most of his power, and there is massive turmoil as a result.

What happened to “Don’t say things you know are offensive, because that’s the kind of thing assholes do?”

People’s resilience and ability to not be physically harmed by words is not a reason to perpetuate demeaning and hateful expressions, even if they’ve lost some of that ugliness over time. I get what you’re saying here (they’re only words, right?), but this concept of “people just shouldn’t take it the wrong way” is

Seems like a win-win to me. I’m pro-gun control and pro-Black people making White people look like hypocritical assholes.

Yeah, I’m NEVER working that hard for ANY amount of money.

I think Soylent is hilarious. A bunch of tech Bros discovered Slimfast and Ensure because they wanted to brag that they’re so BUSY and IMPORTANT and SPECIAL that they don’t have time to order takeout from one of the zillion fast and healthy options in the Bay Area. Or make a sandwich. Or they’re bragging that they’re

If you’re a long-term Soylent consumer, you probably fall into one of these groups:

Yeah, except Soylent is a sort of thick, not terribly flavorful slush that tastes like a puree of soggy Cheerios milk—yes, I’ve tried it.

Soylent seems to me like the perfect example of how these bros use “technology” to cover for the fact that they never learned how to take care of themselves.

Well I had already thought it plagarized E.T., The Iron Giant, Creature From the Black Lagoon and Splash. It literally has the same exact final scene as Splash. The movie wasn’t very original to begin with. All it added to the equation was sex. The film is gorgeous to look at though, and the performances are uniformly

She and her sibling were in that pop group from the 00’s. SZA Sisters

100% Team Stripper.

Because he’s scared someone’s going to #MeToo about him, that fear is driving his irrational behavior, and his fragile ego won’t let him shut the fuck up.

Yes,please. Hollywood, nay, the world is full of talented people. No one needs to tolerate, much less enrich, this trash.