Greg Hundred

This is bullshit. Everyone knows that Wonders Years was cancelled because Paul quit the show and became Marilyn Manson.

Yes, I’ve made my decision to give no quarter to those who stole a SCOTUS pick from a sitting President and whop are stacking the court with bible-thumping morons. They’re also the same people who love to “make libtards cry”. And this mythical beast of the moderate, reasonable trump supporter is horseshit. Silence is

Bingo. I’ve cut them out of my life and won’t hire any trump supporters. They must be made to pay. And they will.

It will be played in stadiums with “simplified” rules that McMahon says will speed up the games to about two hours.

With the surplus of qualified quarterbacks in the NFL, I’m sure this will not be a problem. There must be dozens of professional quality Quarterbacks in the country just waiting for a call.

It’s like if Thursday Night Football were every game.

12. Fix your streaming commenting platform’s interface.

Arkangel prevented mom from ever learning how to parent and how to have that sort of conversation, so the fix isn;t that easy. It’s the same thing for parents who have au pairs and nannies raise their kid. They never learn to actually parent and thus never think of the “easy” solution.

Umm...did anybody else find it impossible to suspend disbelief because the main character was apparently an unstoppable 9olb killing machine?

Fuck you bootlicker.

There’s Knightfall TV show without Azrael? No thanks. I’ll stick to Gotham.

Broad City is a good example of this working. That’s a webseries they came up with on their own, and eventually got produced by a studio as a show.

So James Cameron is scum for essentially saying that Wonder Woman isn’t a beacon for feminism because she wasn’t more well-rounded (I’m paraphrasing, to be sure but that’s the gist of it IMHO) but Mantis was lame because she’s in the eyes of this writer meek? If (as a male) I get to have a scoundrel like Han Solo as a

It would be super hypocritical of comic book fans to punish someone just for having an alter ego.

Bitcoin isn’t real?

Gross. There are a lot of stories of actresses being bullied into doing sexual things they aren’t comfortable with specifically because male film-makers enjoyed seeing them uncomfortable, but I think this is the first time I’ve heard of it happening to a child. Probably because most of the time people aren’t bragging

While maybe not as severe as other sexual assault/harassment cases being brought forth, this is still fucked up. It’s absolutely wrong that these guys would pressure a young actress into doing an on-screen kiss, and then gaslight her when she’s not okay with it. It’s abuse of power, plain and simple.

Yeah, I don’t know about acting like a man in response to a woman shaming another woman.

I would add that if it’s a grunt load of money (under the last Republican iteration of tax policy, relatives or friends can give you a one-time money gift of 1 million dollars or less, tax-free,) one thing I would highly recommend is getting a really nice studio space for herself with multiple workspaces, and then

Wow, it’s almost like the protests, like the national anthem itself, have nothing to do with the troops and everything to do with the dehumanization of black people. Who knew!