
But isn’t this is so so so much better?

How is it gimmicky? This is the Senate’s A/V system.

But all this is is media opportunism and people buying into it. Just like when you get a shark attack and now suddenly we get “why are shark attacks up?” when they aren’t. Or when church burnings were up in the Clinton years, when in fact they weren’t. Or that violent crime or child kidnappings were up when in fact


Well that was the problem. On one side we had a candidate that had proven record of failure working in government and on the other side we had a candidate that had no experience in government other than how to game the system when it came to business.

Ok. How about he spent less money than his opponent who had a 2 billion dollar election fund to become president.

A lot of stupid people voted for Trump, no question. According to the numbers, more even stupider people voted for Hellary.
That’s what’s so perplexing about it all........

Oh, he absolutely had an advantage because of his upbringing and his family name/money, but there are countless examples of people who inherited or received a much greater amount and whose business acumen left them with nothing. So inbred rube or not, BecauseRacecar is still smarter than you.

Pretty sure he’s smarter than he lets on. I’m convinced the dumb guy persona is an act so he seems more like the “billionaire next door” to his supporters.

This doesn’t have enough likes

Hate to pop your bubble, but just because you don’t like him doesn’t mean he is stupid. The Republicans were against him, Democrats against him and even the media is against him. Day and night they slam him. Yet he won. He beat every single person that the smartest pundits thought was impossible to beat. That by

I think they’re working off of some emails which indicate that people inside the DNC had started reaching out to coordinate with the Clinton campaign re: the general election after it was clear Bernie had almost no chance of winning but before he conceded. That and the Brazile email.

Because Hillary Clinton personally kicked in Bernie Sanders’s teeth in the primary, winning by 4 million votes.

yeah money just fell out of the sky in his yard......he also just became the most powerful man in the world because he is stupid.

One story arc to Caddyshack, of course, is that the crude and unrefined (yet incredibly wealthy) Rodney Dangerfield upends a stuffy golf club with his strange but lovable antics. The establishment (the snobs) are utterly shocked by everything he does, but he’s loved by everyone else (the slobs) as he destroys polite

Having to dig deep for your daily bitching about Trump huh?

TLDR - Baby BuzzFeed still mad Hillary lost.

He is taking the Batman policy on math. He only believes in guaranteed certainties. Anything else is completely foreign and people spouting those “probabilities” should be burned at the stake.

“I know that astrology isn’t a science... of course it isn’t. It’s just an arbitrary set of rules like chess or tennis or - what’s that strange thing you British play?”

Well, the Reagan administration had its own house astrologer, so Republicans obviously think it’s viable.