
Cheer up. Unless you own a house worth 3/4 of a million dollars, you will likely pay less in taxes. Merry Christmas!

I wish that what Matt said was obvious to everyone, but it isn’t. People are being called Nazis when they are for equal rights. A joke is going around saying “It isn’t the first time Roy Moore ‘came in a little behind’. He was never even accused of being a pedophile! Lots of people lack critical thinking skills, and

I agree, the 70 year old businessman is NOT HOT.

Thank you for correcting the fake news.

It seems that if you are a man, your opinion doesn’t matter, because are mansplaining. If you are white, your opinion doesn’t matter, because you are racist. If a white guy offers me a Sprite, I can call him racist, and he has no recourse? Sweet deal.

Now playing

He has no legal obligation to do so. Just like Obama didn’t need to show his birth certificate. Regardless, MSNBC broadcast some of his tax documents, for those who are interested.

He did pay taxes. He paid more in taxes in 2005 than anyone here will earn in their lifetime.

Trump and Ryan don’t like eachother.

I just realized that Tairrie B and Dee Barnes got Beats by Dre. I never thought of it that way.

It’s like how you can promote Jewish people into powerful government positions, have a valued Jewish advisor and son in law, have a beloved daughter who converted to Judaism, and be the most pro-Isreal president of the last 30 years, and still be called an anti-Semitec. People are dumb.


Lock her up.

Did you guys hear? They caught the guys making all those bomb threats to Jewish centers. One was a liberal reporter who was also a Muslim, and the other was a Jewish man is Israel. It was supposed to be intolerant Trump supporters emboldened by his rise, but that was a bust.

How can this site be offended by Breitbart after Gizmodo launched The Root? That site might as well redirect from

Anecdotally, my portfolio is doing great.


Like the climate change study everyone quotes.

Hitler never took a picture like that.

I hope no one decides to sue the NBA.

—waged war on protesters in Ferguson, Mo., after Darren Wilson executed Michael Brown Jr. on Canfield Drive in 2014.