
Technically it pees on everyone, since they are all in the same water.

Pixar movies are fun for all ages. Except Cars 2.

Remember when Jews performed suicide bombings in the name of Judaism and Hitler, in response, restricted immigration into Germany while leaving the Jews currently in Germany in peace?

Also don’t forget to call people who don’t agree with you Nazis.

Or Merkels Germany.

“Dippin dots is NOT the ice cream of the future”

I remember when racists where slamming her for voting against Obama. She can’t catch a break.

Faux outrage, whether justified or not, allows young people to feel both smarter AND morally superior to their parents. This is important when they have achieved much less than their parents at the same age.

It seemed like there were a lot of people at the inauguration.

I see what you are saying since both are sore losers, but it’s a bit much to compare Hilary with Hitler.

“If someone came to your house and camped in your front yard and screamed all day and night about how bad you are, you would want to correct the record somehow. Right?”

I can’t say for sure if it is the right thing to do, and it sure isn’t for everyone. It may distance you from the average person, and that may or may not matter.

She is saying there are times when school security should have guns. She is not saying students should have guns.

I voted for Obama as a fuck you to the erosion of civil liberties under Bush. Things got worse under Obama.

I read this book over 20 years ago, this isn’t in it. Here is a relevant excerpt from “The Art if the Comeback”


Here is an part of an e-mail Zervos sent l to Rhona Graff, Trump’s assistant in April:

I feel the same way about Batman the Animated Series episodes without Robin. Good quiet moments.

People were sure he would drop out before the election. Then they were sure he would lost the election. People just don’t know.

For what it’s worth he went golfing recently.