
“Racism and sexism are measured by their impact, not their intent.”

Thanks for bringing this to my attention. I had no idea my state was about to pass bad laws like protecting lawbreakers, and now I can do my part to prevent that.

This is exactly this arrogance and entitlement from left wing metropolitans that largely led to Trump’s victory in the first place, but that is yet another fact which these college educated geniuses are too stupid to see.

This would actually be a really great resource, but it is simply filled with a skewed perspective. It basically says Democrat = Good, Republican = Bad. It’s just not that black and white, and I wish this was presented without a predetermination of “Harmful” or “Protects Communities.”

As a legal immigrant, I completely support illegal immigration law enforcement. My mother and I lived in poverty in a 3rd world country, and through hard work, we made it here legally. Any immigrant who comes to this country illegally is a criminal and should be prosecuted as such.

Trump’s election was made possible at least 50% by how much people hated Hillary.

This article written by Beth S., loyal member of the DNC and progressive left zombie hit squad. LOL

I think it’s pretty damn clear that few few people who objected to trump (including not a single goddamned writer at Gizmodo Media have) have learned anything at all from this fiasco.

“laws that curb immigration” would be a factual description. “Bad Laws” is not, and even in the context of opinion, it’s a poor descriptor that oversimplifies things.

Your idea of “bad laws” and mine are completely different. Please keep your opinions to yourself and just report the things I like. The idea of adding political rhetoric to a site that is not designed for such things is where some of the “fake news” originates. I am one that is exasperated at the idea that those in

How is enforcement of laws (illegal immigration) bad? Since we’re picking and choosing laws to enforce, I choose not to enforce speeding, tax evasion, and maybe movie piracy as I see fit. Thanks.

Biased. Plain and simple. Even legal immigrants don’t like this bashing of enforcement. And yes, your ancestors DID have to

Holy biased spin batman!

Not biased much, at all, no not at all.

The most Chris Brownian thing I’ve seen is the video where he’s in Amsterdam railing on some elderly lady for “snitching” about him smoking weed and being loud as fuck on his dumbass motorcycles. You’re in another country and being an obnoxious douchefuck and it’s this lady’s fault for calling you out. Don’t take away

Dylan Roof. What do I win??

Yeah, because it’s a pipe dream. Lets look at Zimbabwe and Present Day South Africa for answers to your naiive hypothetical. I’m sure those folks thought all their problems would go away if evil whitey , just “Gave up their privilege”

And ohhh what a privilege it is

I am not saying their right or that they may indeed be racist. Many people voted for him because they feel like they have literally no choice. If you refuse to see something from another person’s point of view that makes you just as bad as them. Can you not see for some they voted to simply keep their livelihood for a

I think the idea that somebody voted for Trump makes them themselves racist needs to stop. This is by and far more about Urban vs. Rural. Who are you going to vote for when your entire town is on the line due to the local mine closure? What about logging? Power plant? Factory? We are talking about multi generational

You can still do that, just that what you have is bigots taking over your thread. Wen I make my replies to bigots and trolls, I always post the link to their comments in my replies to myself. This prevents them from taking over the thread and allowing people to see their thought process.

On the flip side of that, I found myself NOT dismissing some of those people on a thread yesterday. Sometimes it’s useful to leave some of their bullshit out in the open for the rest of us to see. It really is eye-opening to see the thought process of a bigot.