
So if he misspells it — he’s an idiot for not being able to type, but if he corrects it he’s an idiot for violating the law.. this going to get real old for the next 4 years. I will certainly get more done if I avoid the internet snowflake storms. Might be my cue to move on from the internet faux-rage crowd.

Can we get another blog called “The Trumpoid” or something? Because while I enjoy Gizmodo, this is some tabloid level of journalism. I don’t like the guy but this was just a misspelled tweet, he wasn’t sharing State secrets on there. I don’t like the guy but some of those articles are stupid, I mean what’s next?

Does any reasonable person think that you’re going to shitpost from a government account and Trump is going to allow it to continue? Seems reasonable to me to ask them to stop posting on Twitter until further notice.

Hail to our glorious new leader!

TL;DR — Taking other people’s money is the easiest solution to solving problems.

What’s intriguing is that Trump has an uncanny ability to come off poorly in public. Lewis basically handed him a gimme by saying that the electorate being provided with accurate information invalidated their votes and did the exact some type of electoral delegitimization routine people were calling Trump treasonous

Like commenters here repeating that the multicultural voters who elected Trump are racist misogynistic bigots?

That isn’t the point. The point is that the “popular vote” argument does not work as a testament of illegitimacy based on the system we have now. It’s one thing to want to use the numbers to CHANGE the system for future elections— but we cannot say an electoral college win is illegitimate based on the constitutional

Plus he lost the election by 2.9 million votes.

I’m in the middle of Charles Duhigg’s “Smarter faster better” (which I got from a recommendation here), and in the first chapter, he talks about a study showing that people are more productive if they are praised for hard work, rather than being intelligent. The reasoning is that hard work is within our control, but

It depends on the area though, if you live in an area where crime is low you might do that. Otherwise no one will want to risk the confrontation (which is also why cops advise you call them not to go investigate yourself).

It happens in a lot of families. Happened to me actually. You achieve some measure of success and the rest of your lazy, stupid, embittered family hates you for it.

It’s human nature to defend ourselves when we feel attacked. Whether in person or anonymously online.

Exactly. “I’m not racist, so if you don’t agree with me, you must be racist.”

Speaking as a middle-aged white guy, if I get called a racist online I’m inclined to try to follow the argument my accuser is making. It’s entirely possible I am coming across as racist by how I word my argument, or there are thought processes of mine that I haven’t fully examined. Not saying you are a racist, but why

True, but no one calls the police for assistance in non-criminal behavior (ok, well outside of good areas).

That’s the thing about calling someone a racist...there is no defense. If someone calls you a racist, there’s not a thing you can say to convince them that you’re not. But at the same time if you don’t try defend yourself then it simply confirms to them that you were a racist all along.

Conversations devolving into cries of racism is hardly a phenomenon limited only to white people or only to the right. Everyone tries to fit the events they see unfolding to their own preconceptions.

I don’t know if I would say race could be even a motivating factor (probably was though). Nosy neighbors are the worst and greatest thing ever. They will call you/cops/security whenever someone they don’t recognize is trying to get into your house/car.