
Huh? I was just pointing out a small editing error that can be corrected. Jeebus dude, get a grip.

My god will the hunt for people to blame never cease? What is with you? How many enemies do you need? Why, at the end of the election, are liberals so set on finding out-group enemies rather than looking in at ANYTHING they do or say?

Most rational comment of the day! Unfortunately, too many people on the far left would rather be blindingly furious all the time.

How dare you attempt to formulate an actual strategy that goes beyond the current mania for taunts, jeers and contempt.

She failed in getting 270 electoral votes, which is how the presidency is won. The path to 270 is the goal, not the popular vote.

That entire margin is in one state. Look, I wanted Hillary to win, but she didn’t. We can’t keep grasping at the popular vote win because it doesn’t mean anything.

Sure. Whatever you say, friend. I wish you all the luck in the world assembling a winning electoral coalition with that attitude.

Honestly, I’m not sure that it is gaining power. I realize this may be a hot take interpretation of the data, but it’s entirely possible that this baloney just looks like it’s gaining power because the small band of crazies is really scared, and really energized, about how their world is disappearing.

I’m super curious. How would you describe the systematic murder of the white population of Haiti? A surprise party?

Get right on out of here with your ‘reasonable opinion’! People should be allowed to say whatever they want without being yelled at, as long as the things people are saying aren’t things I disagree with personally!

Dude makes pro-genocide statement on twitter. Dude is surprised that this provoked a negative response? I think we typically want a negative response to statements like that. And whatever stupid shit Breitbart probably said, the Twitter responses were not a “horde of racist trolls”. In a couple minutes of

Thats a bullshit graphic. The NYTimes, CNN, nbc, cbs, etc have significant partisan bias towards the left. But since this graphic upholds what your reality is, you will choose to accept it as gospel.

That’s not at all what I’m saying. I am all for equality. You cannot call for equality while touting how your race is superior. I want equality for America. I think it’s bullshit how minorities are treated by SOME police, and I feel like everyone should have an equal opportunity for education and jobs. I just wish

I do not know. It’s crazy they actually allowed someone who doesn’t fully agree with everything they say to be un-grayed right?

I know right? It’s all the white people’s fault. It doesn’t matter what we really think, because all white people are racist because they are white right? The idiocy coming out of people after this election has been astonishing. Everyone wants equality, but they don’t want to be equal.

You’re an idiot. Putin said the day before that he’s expanding and modernizing Russian nuclear forces to deal with new world threats like China, the US and other Eastern Nations. Trump was not answering and unknown threat, it was to a specific result of the Russians making a move and the US answering in kind. The

It’s a fucking car website moron. I don’t give a shit about how butt hurt Matt Novak is about the election.

He perfected it.

Hamilton Nolan posts are a lot easier to fully understand when you realize that they could just be “FUCK RICH PEOPLE” in size 144 font and be identical in content and thought put behind it.

Hamilton Nolan posts are a lot easier to fully understand when you realize that they could just be “FUCK RICH PEOPLE” in size 144 font and be identical in content and thought put behind it.