
So other than biased reporting. Why is it important to explain

You’re wrong. Second sentence.

I’m Canadian so I’m probably the furthest you can get from a Trump supporter haha. I fully agree with you. Obviously since the author didn’t care to partake in the discussion (authors respond back all the time), you can tell there was nothing more substantial than just biased reporting.

You have to be tone deaf to think that that exclusion doesnt change the tone.

With all the fake news reporting they have been doing, I assumed they were gunning for that type of integrity. Guess not.

Regardless of what people say, this does change the tone. He’s saying there’s some middle ground. Tim Cook himself has supported Republicans in the past(Paul Ryan) and will continue to do so because he knows it’s good for Apple and the business community as a whole.

The problem is that you’re holding Gizmodo bloggers to a high level of journalistic integrity. It just doesn’t exist here. These bloggers are bottom of the barrel amateurs, at best.

I use Gizmodo (and many other sites) as “bookmark depositories” for news. Nearly 100% of the time I follow the links to the original material for this exact reason. So much spin... in all media outlets. Read the source material and then form an opinion. It frustrates me how much bias EVERY news outlet puts on things.

While I am not a Trump supporter, the reason that this was probably deleted is because it isn’t against Trump. It actually supports his ideas of deregulation and simplification as a way to improve lives in this country via job creation. As it supports Trump, it probably does not agree with the authors preconceptions

As if you have to ask. If he included that part, it would be harder to characterize it as an awkward meeting.

Considering it’s the highest of any industrialized nation (which is insane) it has plenty of room to go down and still be affordable. Europe’s average is just north of 18% just to give you some much needed perspective.


Stop making sense, you’ll make heads explode here.

This article is the definition of biased reporting.

Yeah, particularly to your shareholders, that you, the CEO, are not interested in speaking up on behalf of the company they own. Seriously, it’s the most tedious thing in the world to hope that these people will somehow reflect radical political attitudes.

Really? What did you do to change the electoral system up to this point in your life...Oh that’s right, jackshit all.

Ohhhh, stop it. Trump might be a crazy person but we don’t elect our president via popular vote.

If it doesn’t change the tone, why wouldn’t you just copy and paste the whole quote and let your readers, you know, read the whole quote? Seems like copy and pasting the quote and then excluding parts of it is actually the definition of biased reporting.

For better or worse, he’s going to be the President of the United States. As an American, trying to help the President or our government on matters of national importance is a part of our civic duty. That’s not to say that one can’t disagree with the President and express those disagreements...but if the President, or

Because it doesn’t fit the Carlos Slim mandate that all Gawker-Ghost posts must clearly state that Trump is a 100% evil poopy-head.