
I am of the ilk that the only real justification for shooting someone is if they are approaching you with a weapon and you can’t get away. This would fall under that scenario for me.

There is absolutely no guarantee that the robber would have shot and killed anyone if they just complied and handed over whatever he asked for, and it’s speculative both ways.

I think Matt’s implication is that they are same because no one should ever be shot regardless of what they are doing. This is a stupid implication.

This, of course, isn’t the first time that an Uber driver has used a firearm while on the job

Maybe not, but the people considering committing armed attacks would have to think twice about it.

The ‘real’ answer to me is pretty simple...we just don’t want to truly admit it - the technology simply isn’t there yet....or affordable enough yet...or safe enough yet. Cellphones have created this culture where charging things all the time or everyday is “OK”, but that is not het case with watch culture. Until we

“Ultimately, they don’t actually improve the wearer’s life enough to warrant their myriad of hassles.”

It really does come off like something that one would write for a college alternative newsletter, doesn’t it?

So because, A. you don’t care to read this random guy’s thoughts on an issue he apparently feels passionate about, and B. he’s a guy, (but especially B), he shouldn’t write anything. How would you feel if I wrote, oh, something like, “Alana Hope Levinson is Wrong, and a Woman, so She Should Stop Writing?”

It’s already called “tweetstorm”; I think this has to be a joke because otherwise, it’s just stupid.

“It’s only sexist if you single out women” - Gizomdo/GawkerGhost. What shit rags these sites are. Can anyone point me to a decent gaming site? Not Giant Bomb, they aren’t too great either. Polygon is the same as Kotaku almost. I don’t want this BS click bait fake controversy. I just want good articles to read about

What does this have to do with men? When you position it like that it just looks like you’re trolling for clicks.

exactly this

Agreed that doing the whole “threading” thing is obnoxious. Where this goes off the rails (instantly) is making it the whole “mostly men” thing. That’s not my experience personally, there’s no substantiation whatsoever and it’s just gender-baiting for clicks.

“Man” is just a straight-up pejorative now, apparently.

lol dates only assholes then ask why men are assholes

“What does being a man have to do with it?”

“Today, a woman named Alana Hope Levinson, a “journalist” with around 30 readers, decided it was time for her to voice her concern that people are “ruining her experiences” without consultation from the rest of the internet (it wasn’t time and will never be time)“


Sorry Alana, but you don’t have any more of a right

Yeah, the comparison to Manspreading is just Bad Metaphor. Manspreading is actually taking up more of a finite resource for yourself. This shit is just dumb because Twitter is just the Wrong Medium for complex thoughts.

Twitter is the safe space for this sort of attitude. Life is better when you tune out of that social media app.