

A lot of people seem to really dislike (alt-)right people, but forget in the process how aggressive and threatening a lot of left groups can be.

Care to elaborate?

Don’t hand assholes megaphones.

because they’ll end up with only neo-nazis as users.

After the last few weeks, I am convinced that they have it right.

Why is twitter allowing hate speech? Freedom of speech does not mean you give hate speech a stage and a megaphone.

Look hate speech isn’t cool but the internet is inherently a “free” zone. Trying to censor the internet never works, because then people start saying things just because you told them not to. You’re much better off just ignoring these guys and living your life. I have a twitter...and I never have heard of this guy

“I disagree with what you say, but will defend your right to say it.”

So wait wait wait .. you want MORE restrictions on speech?

They keep bringing Q tips to a saber fight.

Say what you like about the Democrats, but they’ve got a 500 mb folder of reaction gifs that would be just perfect for this.

“I truly don’t understand all the vitriol towards FitBit.”

Because that’s how businesses work, or honestly just life. Financing is a part of expanding any business, just as most completelty solvent people finance their car and their house. “Spend money to make money” isn’t a new concept. They were clearly strong enough to go and get the money from real investors with faith

Because people don’t understand business and accounting. Most people here only care about how it impacts them, not understanding the wise business decision.

who is charlie trying to burn here by throwing away a product no longer supported by a dead company and saying it was because of a company whose products he presumably never purchased

You know what annoyed me? When the Cubs won the World Series despite the fact that the Indians scored the exact same amount of touchdowns as the Cubs did.

I do know what it means.

The left has shown itself to be as equally deplorable as the right.

I’m also really encouraged by the liberals who have spent the past eight years patting themselves on the back for voting for Obama twice. They are ready to spend the next four years complaining and blaming rather than becoming involved in anything aimed at making changes at all.