
You are starting to bore me, Keeva! Use more intelligent arguments.

Nor is it the place for nuance more generally, but try I must.

Listen... there are many smart women in the world that accomplish great things. The women who believe that they should hide themselves from society and only let their husband see them are not those people. They are figures of perpetual oppression and you are supporting that objective with your argument.

It cracks me up, all the white women in America think they know thing one about the misogynist culture in Islam.

As much as I don’t like American conservatism, it wouldn’t even get a single vote in the AP Top 25 Rankings of mean-spirited political movements ever.

Their expensive open door immigration policy has caused schisms between very religiously conservative immigrants and more liberal-minded natives and has become deeply unpopular as a result. the terrorist attacks on European soil and the state’s inability to conduct thorough background checks on incoming migrants

Europe in general has done a piss poor job of handling these issues. The left-leaning politicians have grossly underestimated the nativist/xenophobic elements of their countries and now have millions upon millions of Muslims who are probably never going to be properly integrated or accepted into their societies at

Some religious beliefs are simply not compatible with modern western society. Female genital mutilation, Sati, etc. Believing that women should only show their eyes is too anti-woman a practice to be tolerated.

Banning any piece of clothing is insane, including a burqa. And Merkel is doing it because she thinks her party is about to go down, like every liberal-democratic government in the US & Europe so she’s doing something she clearly opposes personally for political survival. But let’s not also pretend that most women who

The problem is they’re encouraging the Muslim takeover of the continent.

Sorry but not sorry at all. Burqas are meant to demean women and subject them to misogynistic rules. Women get punished for getting raped in societies that make them wear burqas. Burqas represent truly awful male dominance and subjugation.

Because people think of the 1945 Hitler when Hitler comparisons are made. Besides, comparing Trump to the 1933 Hitler makes the implicit assumption that he will turn into the 1945 Hitler. Not every demagogue is literally Hitler.

The comparisons are hypebolic and unreasonable at this point in time. All it does right now is make it easier for people to dismiss concerns later on if Trump actually does start to become the second coming of Hitler.

Not to mention that whenever Trump actually does something bad it is often ignored because of crap like that. If you yell about every little thing it makes the actual bad stuff just get lumped in with the rest. Boy who cried wolf if you will. Normalizing Trump as Hitler hurts more than it helps.

You need help.

The people who think Trump is comparable to Hitler need to stop being such idiots. It’s fucking disgraceful. There’s a very slight chance he might be that bad, but at this point you just sound like a lunatic.

as a man from india, i am wondering how it is she can be fired for expressing her personal feelings? it seems that they are just unpopular because she is white and pro-white

Pennsylvania is an “at-will” state so she has no rights to her opinions. Thanks freedom!

as a man from india, i am wondering how it is she can be fired for expressing her personal feelings? it seems that they are just unpopular because she is white and pro-white. i don’t quite see the problem. and i have muslims in my family etc. so it’s not an issue of “i can’t relate.” i just don’t see how this is

Did you know that most lottery winners end up going bankrupt? Even if you just gave people money it does not mean they will stay out of poverty.