
Maybe victims are more likely to report these crimes where they would not have before (because they know people are listening and believing them, finally). Maybe this isn’t information we have yet.

Even if only 200 are typically reported (as other comments are saying), how do reported incidents typically compare to total incidents and has that ratio changed? Maybe victims are more likely to report these crimes where they would not have before (because they know people are listening and believing them, finally).

So how do the other nearly 50% of the stats break down? Think they might be related to all the riots and white people being beaten im the streets?

So, I’ve been Black for a while now and I gotta agree with the mouth breathers on one issue-racism predates Trump (think about the world Trump’s dad lived in), the difference is the whites who don’t want to be lumped in with the racists. Whites who could ignore racism or would have been isolated from it now read about

How much of an uptick is this?

Be peaceful, be courteous, obey the law, respect everyone; but if someone puts his hand on you, send him to the cemetery. Malcolm X

How does that compare to a typical 10-day span? Does the article say? Close to 900 sounds like a lot, but I don’t have anything to compare it to to see if it’s worse than usual.

900 reports in 10 days is a pretty catchy headline, but without knowing how this compares to the average, how are we supposed to draw any conclusions from this data?

Fact is that while reddit has open discussion, gawker sites only want to listen to like minded people. Everyone else is a troll by their standards.

There aren’t many “Gawker loyalists” left. These sites are going downhill fast.

No. What you saw in the election and what you’re seeing on Reddit is the pent-up frustration of a group of people who were marginalized by political correctness and shouted down as bigots every time they questioned the reasons for something. They couldn’t criticize Obama without being called a racist. They couldn’t

Reddit is amazing. You can easily ignore and block any sub you want. Most of the people here have clearly never used reddit

“God your such a tiresome twit.”

I am on reddit every day and I have not seen or heard one word about this. The way reddit is set up you see what you are interested in. I am not interested in Donald Trump or the r/all subreddit so I had no idea this was going on. So tearing itself apart seems a bit ....dramatic.

I forgot there were no minorities or LGBT People subbed to the donald. Attitudes like yours are the exact reason people are being turned off by the left. Not everyone that doesn’t agree with you is racist or sexist

“So you dispute what this article says? I don’t use reddit at all, but I could see a popular subreddit to be used as a platform for harassment...”

I would make you a $1000 bet right now that, aside from accidents or what will most likely be individual officers overreacting unlawfully (both of which will result in appropriate condemnation and prosecution, if warranted), that there will be no organized, targeted, intentional killings of protesters by police in

Look. It’s a site that vehemently espouses freedom of speech on their forums. You’re gonna get some bad with the good. I don’t agree with anything r/the_donald usually posts about, but unless we want to espouse censorship over expression, they being immature whinebots is and should be protected. Of course, their

I’m sorry, it is total BS. I have a college degree and worked hard to get where I am today. Paying someone $15/hour to flip burgers, cook french fries, push cash register buttons, or make a sandwich is ridiculous.

I like how rural white that want manufacturing jobs to return are delusional, but people who want $15 an hour for unskilled labor are righteous.