
I am graduating medical school next semester and starting a psychiatry residency. As a veteran myself, I will gladly take her spot. I see no gain from her leaving except her own self-fulfillment.

“My morals and ethical obligation to my patients will not permit me to work for such a person”

Is this considered courageous? To leave something noble because you’re afraid that the new regime will make things worse? I’d assume that the courageous thing would be to stay and help ensure that within your means you keep things as normal as possible.

The fantastic hard hitting journalism you would expect from a fucking awful orginzation like the former Gawker brands.

This is one that I can’t quite get behind. There is a disconnect between espousing a deep seated obligation to the patients she has served (for two WHOLE MONTHS!) and then abandoning them over a fear that has yet to become a reality. For what it’s worth, I have been through a relatively comparable professional

I think everyone’s making the mistake of taking her at her word. She’s probably leaving because she wants more money in private practice and this is her insincere, bullshit, illogical excuse. Good fucking riddance.

The best way to fight something we don’t like is always to run away screaming “na na na na na” with our fingers in our ears as we realize that working in the public sector doesn’t pay as much as private practice.

tl;dr I’m gonna fuck over veterans who desperately need help with PTSD because principles or some lofty shit like that.

On October 3, 2016 Donald Trump called Veterans with PTSD weak.

I don’t know what’s worse, that she feels she has to quit or that she keeps capitalizing “veterans”.

Every part of this sanctimonious scree makes me want to punch a wall. Why on earth did you publish this garbage?

It matters. It suggest for one thing that the mother has no faith in the narrative as it stands, and that she has a weird sort of proxy fixation. “Fatemah” should be concerned with the daughter’s welfare, not photographing passing atrocities.

When the going gets tough, quit!

In related news, there is going to be an opening for a psychologist at a VA medical center in Nevada come January...

After a few months of work she leaves because of Trump? Sounds like a good excuse rather than stating you just don’t like the job.

Back alley abortion level of care - silence.

This is stupid. What does this honestly accomplish? She preaches how great these veterans are, how much she loves her job, how proud she is, and how they need help. Yet she is quiting. Her actions will not accomplish anything but hurt those she says she wants to help....

So, you worked there for two months and now you are leaving. And HamNo earns his $12/article for writing about it. What a huge story this is!

I think this whole episode was a prank designed to trick intelligent people into typing the name “Cyndie”.

Some shows reach a point where there’s no more story to tell, or they have one final story to tell but have to wait until they know it’ll be the last season before doing so.