
I worked on a phd for 4 years. I started out starry-eyed an naïve about all those great ideals of science: a quest for truth! A massive undertaking to improve our understanding of the world! I left the whole endeavor seriously disappointed about my “vocation”. It’s 80% ego’s trying to push their own “theory” so they

Hey Matt, Can I ask a favour? Which speech does the St. Louis Paper say that they were translating? I ask because he gave a speech on the 24th of February, 1940 here in Munich, so I wanted to see what he said auf Deutch. In the speech on the 24th, he doesn’t mention any of the things in the St. Louis translation, so

It’s the first question I’ve asking anytime I see any animal study of any drug or chemical. Is the effective does biologically relevant for translating this research to a human-sized organism. Far, far, too often the answer is no.

Damn, that is a lot of coke. As someone with a physical science background, these biological studies often make me laugh.

The first rule of science is: There are no rules.

It was a micro study as the rats were drinking a human equivalent to a keg of diet coke a day. It’s a pretty lame study to report on.

Maybe if there were a few dissenting views sprinkled in here—just for fun.

I know at least 5 soldiers who were the most pro-Trump people I’ve ever seen. One to the point where he wouldn’t go to Chipotle, because he heard the donated to Hillary’s campaign, so he went to Qdoba instead. That is making a big fucking sacrifice to not “support” Clinton.

Anecdotal evidence is meaningless. The last survey I saw had Trumps approval among active military very high.

Keep scrolling and you’ll find the direct quote from Hitler in 1940...


He also said “pass the coffee, please” and I have said that before. I am kind of worried.

Reagan used the “Make America Great Again” slogan in 1980.

“Likewise, the alt-right is a very small community that does not have broad appeal in this country.”

So fucking what! Hitler said lots of shit. I’m sure there’s some phrase he used that Obama also used. There’s lots of legitimate reasons to be worried about Trump or even to compare his rise to the rise of Hitler and nationalism in pre-WW2 Germany. “They both said this same thing once” is not one of them. Focus on

Thank you for that. I’ve been saying the same thing for quite some time, but you’ve said it much better.

I was going to say the exact same thing. Can we make this its own article/post? Really beautifully written.

What an amazing well written and thoughtful post which in my opinion gets to the crux of the matter - what lessons in history should we have learned before this happened, and how can we apply them in four years?

Barack Obama’s 2012 campaign slogan of “Forward” was also the title of a Nazi youth marching song. But you don’t care about that because, you know, not Trump...

I think it is worth noting that Donald Trump is almost certainly not the next Hitler and that I generally find comparisons between Nazism, the Holocaust, and contemporary people and events highly distasteful and disrespectful of all those who lost their lives. There are exceptions of course. It is appropriate to