
i appreciate your concern. but a large part of the american electorate does not follow the news you specify closely anyway, so they won’t even notice. they go after click bait and celebrity news. superficiality has largely taken over.

Wait a second; I thought Trump was going to go after journalists.

The Cavaliers called - they’re feeling ignored.

With rare exception, anyone in the US, whether they should be or not, has Constitutional protection. It’s a check against wanting to expand the “or not” pool.

Zadvydas v. Davis (2001) says the 14th Amendment does apply to non-citizens:

Well, it wasn’t actually anything of relevance, it was some plan he drew up for discussion - as opposed to actual state secrets so...

No, he’s not.

WRT the Rust Belt, I’ve noticed that when they voted for Obama en mass, they weren’t racists, but now that they voted against Clinton en mass, they are racists. Please, explain just how exactly does that work?

Always fascinating how the supporters of the losing party in an election, never fail to passionately and (in their minds I am sure) sincerely proclaim that “Amurica” is seeking unifying nominees after a divisive election.

Really leaning into these takes, aren’t you?

Hillary and Bill Clinton both spoke highly of KKK member Robert Byrd - who Hillary eulogized as “A great friend and mentor”.

Trump though...they probably told him, “do what we say and you’ll have all the money you want.”

I remember when Deadspin was the place to visit for snarky sports coverage. Now, every other entry is this fucking bullshit political commentary. If only there were still sports being played.......

so —

Hamno writes like someone who has never been hugged by another human.

Susan Collins, the “moderate” Republican who can “cross the aisle” to be “bipartisan” and who DC journalists love to hold up as the freaking model

Actually just the opposite. The contrarian point of view (which I am not taking with that comment) usually gets more clicks when the opposite is true.

Someone who is paid by clicks?

Not for you or I, but I’d imagine clicks are the revenue generator and the bonus/pay structure probably has some benefit to Hamno for more clicks.

It’s over. Let it go man.