
Historically that is true, but it won’t happen with this generation unless they get with the times from an equality standpoint. I am an upper middle class millenial, as are many of my friends, and social conservatives are few and far between.

Jew have got to be kidding me. Seriously though, I wouldn’t worry about these people, their extreme views are in the minority - despite the fact that you, Gizmodo, seem to think that every single person that voted for Trump is a Sieg Heiling Neo Nazi. Keep the click-bate coming though, by all means.


I hate to be that guy, but millennials are the fucking worst.

That you assume 50%+ of white people are white supremacists shows why people voted the way they did. There are many racial injustices in society, the new one however, the anti-white sentiment, the newest one, is the only one actually that seems to recieve applause when it occours.

lol the brain behind Trump’s campaign was Jared Kusher, his closest inner circle (aside from the fact his daughter is a converted orthodox jew) are his lawyer Jason Greenblat, David Friedman, Boris Epshtyn, Steve Miller, Steven Mnuchim and dozens more ... (I don’t have to repeat his quote where he said the only people

Ashley... is there no limit to your intentional poisoning of post election peace in USA? Do you enjoy race-baiting? So a hate group (Stormfront) likes something about a candidates right hand man, and you use that to IMPLY that Mr Bannon is also a White Supremacist? If that were accurate... then the Queen is at the top

fuck you — i didn’t vote because my time is more valuably spent doing almost anything else except casting a statistically meaningless vote

Wow looks like a cesspool of dumbasses. Also Ashley don’t get on your high horse I bet there were plenty of unsavory organizations who would of been happy if Clinton became president. The pendulum swings both ways.

I think it’s pretty stupid that we’re insinuating that Steve Bannon is a white nationalist. I’ve never seen any evidence to support this notion.

That’s textbook scapegoating. That’s what people do who are in denial because they can’t face up to the potential consequences of their own actions and yet they’re unwilling to admit what they really want. It’s either change what they want (to be in charge and deferred to as white men as leaders of all people, all

Only it’s not just the police that will back them up, but the press as well.

I’m glad she’s going to face some consequences for doing something this shitty. She’s made it harder for women who’ve actually been harassed like this to be believed—as though I didn’t worry enough already about hijab-wearing women in my family being targeted by Trumpites.

Fuck you, white people. You bunch of ignorant racists. You all ruined America. We hate you. You suck.

It wasn’t racism that won Trump the White House though, it was the fact that he promised solutions to the shitty situation in the Midwest. Are his solutions good ones or likely to be effective? No, but dismissing the people that voted him as white racists is burying your head in the sand. People in the rust belt

You fucking lost

You don’t choose your leaders based on researched demographics. If you did, you wouldn’t choose a black dude from Hawaii as a presidential candidate.

She looks a little heavier than 26 pounds, but at least she’s holding your cat.

I was in the best shape of my life when I was doing push ups, sit ups and lifting 4L milk jugs every night.

Huh. Look what a little serendipity and a lot of creative hustle can net you. Good on him.