
That’s a Hillary trick.

Many people weren’t happy that Muhammad Ali sat out the Vietnam war, but they’d have been less happy if he had fought for the Vietcong.

If someone talks shit about Trump, I don’t see why he can’t respond. It sucks that John Lewis was beaten by police under Democrat George Wallace 50 years ago, but the notion that it gives him immunity to say whatever he wants without recourse is dumb. John Lewis used the same “illegitimate” claim on George W. Bush.

Trump got $40 million in equity when his father died and today he’s worth $3.7 billion. Lotto winners and retired athletes show us it is easy to blow millions and end up broke. By economist Matt Palumbos numbers, if Trump had invested $40 million in the stock market, today he would have $1.91 billion, so he beat the

Thank you.

Yeah, his tweet is accurate.

As bad as Bush was, Obama doubled down on a lot of his shit.

I don’t see why Trump is upset. The news reported that he peed on prostitutes, or they peed on him, and he is being blackmailed over it. Who cares if it was proven false? It’s funny. Jeez.

It’s plausible because people also believe the lies that he called all Mexicans rapists, and the lie he made fun of a reporters disability. It is confirmation bias at work.

Tuna is gross as hell, I don’t inflict it on my co-workers. It works though. At least they weren’t eating pizza and pop tarts and talking about their steps.

This sucks, but it’s been way darker than this.

“And it’s all because the next president decided to pick a fight.”
John Lewis picked the fight.

Baldwins great because he’s every bit the asshole Trump is, with much less power.

Maybe racism and sexism did lead to the current state of affairs. A lot of people who voted for the first time in 2008, and who voted again in 2012 stayed home because they weren’t enthusiastic about voting for an old white lady.

Hey Trump, give Atlanta a break. There are 17 cities in the with higher murder rates. I can’t believe Trump would stoop so low as to talk shit about someone who talked shit about him.

Viktor Orban.

I’m with her. If you want to beat Trump with the moral high ground, celebs shouldn’t use their soap boxes to spread lies. There is enough crazy shit about Trump, you don’t need to make up lies about making fun of disabilities.

I’m sending him money.