
Protesters, stay out of the street. The street is for cars, or pedestrians trying to make it to the other side. Chances are, the protesters are in a city that voted for Hilary, so they are punishing themselves.

The Russians didn’t undermine the election any more than Buzzfeed or CNN did.

Florida makes their crime info easy to search, so it is very easy for news sites to find weird stories. Having said that, Florida is still weird.

The 1986 line was written by newer writers who don’t know about cars. The car was supposed to be more than 3 years old in 1989.

It’s likely Trump took the Disney Princess Quiz, and Buzzfeed told him he is Tiana.

Agreed. I am saying much of the performance is in the CG expressions, so a lot would be lost with a mostly static face.

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The Wilhelm screams all need to be changed to Gut-wrenching screams.

There would just be less locations.

Aren’t all the facial expressions CG though?

Watching it, all I could think was “Can we please leave this section of highway?”

that’s ALL THEY DO

Eh, Crash won.

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In this case Trump was telling the truth. He has used those arm motions to portray the state of being flustered for over a decade:

I thought they were trying to sell Volvos.

Kushner is a very smart guy and an excellent problem solver. We should be happy to have him around.

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Streep shouldn’t have said that Trump mocked disabilities, because he didn’t. Trump waves his arms to indicate the state of being flustered.

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It’s gross when a politician makes light of the disabled. Unfit to serve.

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The hand waving is how Trump expresses being flustered. He has publicly done this many times in the past. He was not imitating the reporter.