
Not for long.

North America has a lot of issues that need to be fixed, for sure. Having traveled extensively, I feel pretty safe in saying it is still better than most places.

They actually reported it. To their credit, Gizmodo sites will sometimes report a story that goes against their favored narrative once it gets a certain amount of mainstream media exposure.

This article makes it seem that way by spinning quotes from an unnamed source.

The thing is, most were quiet and restrained. That’s a big part of why the win took so many people by surprise. For every loud asshole, there were many just letting the attacks slide. Then they voted.

If I were a rich, strong athlete, I would destroy all the drywall around me on a weekly basis. “Patch that, peon!”

More like Bizarro Hitler. Trump loves Jews and says nice things about gays and blacks.

Maybe that’s why I’m so pumped.

Remember when Trumps opposition tried to brand him “Dangerous Donald”? Dangerous Donald sounds like a cool guy. I think it backfired.

In this case, everyone knows about the doomsday weapon.

Yeah. I don’t think we are allowed to stigmatize anal sex anymore. It’s not the 80's you know.

Appointees in key positions—like the people who make sure our nukes work—are often asked to stay on in their roles until a replacement can be found and confirmed by the Senate. Often, but not always.

I think the Klan is more vilified.

I wouldn’t say he was ever a Hollywood star, his performance in Ghosts Can’t Do It aside.

I blame Amy Schumer.

When Chevy reintroduced the Camaro after discontinuing it in 2002, did you say it was “Chevy’s version of the Mustang”? Yes, since the 60's.

The Arnold Press helps widen the shoulders with little effort.

You can eat McDonalds every day, but is has to be the grilled chicken sandwich with the mayo wiped off or the Southwest Salad with the low fat dressing.

I like pistachios, but I have never seen anyone eat less than 4 servings at a time.