
As much as I want to eat a whole pizza, eating more than 2 pieces at a time is never a good idea.

Yes. If you hear someone say “I did X thousand steps today” chances are they will never make progress that sticks for more than 2 months.

What about Andrew Jackson?

I’d vote for Clarence Boddicker.

Or the singer from Green Day.

Brady is handsome and he hasn’t kissed Papa John yet.

Tuna, no mayo. Chicken breast. spicy condiments. Mustard, pepper. No ranch dressing. If you hear someone say “It’s a good fat”, hit them.

They make the Miata there. It’s pretty great.

I’d feel pretty good about myself if I hijacked the republican party and got myself elected president of the United States of America.

Some dude I’ve never heard of dissess goofball mascot, goofballs troll dude. What a scoop. Reminds me of Something Awful, before it became a support group.

You really chopped up that “exact quote”

Most of the cities with the highest crime rates go Democrat. It’s not 100%, but there is a corelation.

This is pretty neat.

“The uproar started on Sunday when Trump was asked by CNN’s Jake Tapper on “State of the Union” if he would disavow Duke and other white supremacist groups supporting his campaign.

He has publicly denounced them many times.

They’ve been around forever. It’s just that sites like this one have been giving them a spotlight, since they can be tangentially tied to something the sites don’t like.

Have fun. Just don’t block traffic.

Memorizing state capitals.

Daniel Craig is a buff hobo.

If it results in better laws, I am fine with it.