
“The Washington Post reports that the practice already carries a potential $4,000 fine and jail time if successfully prosecuted, but Martinez may be looking for stricter laws and enforcement around guns”

By current watered down standards, that counts as a hate crime. Progress?

The pic looks like 70% of a CRX.

I received Pez that I had reason to believe was stolen.

I don’t believe he said those things. Jeffrey Wright told me he is anti woman, anti Muslim, anit semitic, anti jobs...

Is Trump smart enough to be elected president of the United States?

It’s ok. Trump got them to overturn this.

Bannon isn’t a racist. The “Renegade Jew” Article wasn’t written by him. It was written by David Horowitz. During a messy divorce, Bannons ex wife said he had reservations sending his 2 daughters to a certain school because the Jewish parents at that school raised their kids to be “whiny brats”. He later sent his kids

I don’t get it. Would this song slam Trump because of the huge increase in the number of hangings that have happened since he won the election?

That would be a huge diss. I think it will watched by many on both sides, however.

“too much money and time on their hands to do actual evil.” Wouldn’t that be the perfect storm for evil?

Yes. I remember seeing Jack stalk Luke Perry and it was very dumb.

The writing in the later seasons was sub-Nanny.

If the election were to be determined by popular vote, Trump would have campaigned differently and won the popular vote.

Are people really going broke buying condoms? Lucky bastards.

I think that means “Don’t sneak new books or chapters into the bible”. So don’t add the Book of Dawn Dish Detergent, or the Book of Ronald Reagan, or things like that.

I know a number of people with bad grades in high school who got free college because their parents were poor.

Republicans are better at politics. Democrats are better at media.

Bad things that happened under Reagan were all his fault. Bad things that happened under Obama weren’t his fault. Got it.