
I’m too old to browse Reddit properly.

Putin knows Trump will lift the sanctions.

The thing I hate most about Trump is his blatant Antisemitism.

I agree. When I was 209 pounds, bartenders would not acknowledge me when I was trying to get a drink. Now that I’ve lost 50 pounds, they seem much more responsive. It has been easier starting conversations with strangers too. When I was fatter, I mattered less.

Trump did not brag about sexual assault. He did a lame comedy bit for Billy Bush.

I think an argument could be made for any negative comment to be construed as hate speech.

Now I read it, and I am offended. Someone please moderate the comment above! Just kidding.

There is already a Muslim registry, and it has grown under Obama. There is already a slowly growing “wall” separating 1/3 of the US/Mexican boarder. US Citizens have been assassinated by drones on foreign soil without a trial under Obama. Obama just plays it cool.

Yeah, look what happened to Larry Wilmore.

I’m guessing the tapes amount to lame Andrew Dice Clay humor. Unfunny, but I can live with it.

Maybe we can get a cool soundboard out of it.

Trump bragged that women let him touch them.

The United States elected Obama in two consecutive elections. If Obama could have run a third time, it is likely he would have won a third time. Then a white guy beat a white woman in the follow up election. From this many conclude that the United States is racist.

It’s too bad she didn’t know that the popular vote doesn’t decide the presidency.

I bought a used car that came with those in 17". Broke one at 25mph driving in a straight line. Replaced them with 14" rpf1's.

Don’t forget Clorox.

If there is a cute robot in a movie, it will likely have to go through the stations of the cross.

Only if they let him.

Westworld is too long and it is still not over.

I appreciate the premise of the chart, but disagree that Washington Post, New York Times, and CNN are close to impartial.