
Ah, hate the bees, love the honey.

He was going to reply in a Vine but that app doesn’t work anymore.

What a lot of people STILL don’t get is that a lot of what Trump says is not what he wants, what he says is his opening bid in negotiation. From there he can appear to meet someone in the middle and still get exactly what he wants. As stupid as it may sound, it has worked out pretty well for him.

Sometimes seeing these sites write about politics is as cringe-worthy as overhearing middle school kids talk about sex.

Would expanding nuclear capability also include improving our defenses against nuclear attack? I would imagine that can always be improved.

I heard he muttered “Why aren’t I up 50 points?” Truly terrifying.

Eh, it’s been 32 years since a Republican won New York. He pulled enough miracles. he doesn’t need that one.

Appalling. Increadibly dense with hate. Wow.


Why would he go if he hates the people? The rallies are his idea.

If you have to bake a cake for whoever comes through your door, you should have to high kick for whoever pays.

You mean I have to pay for my own rubbers now?

It’s funny. There has been a wall for years, and there has been a Muslim registry for years, and no one says anything. When Trump says he wants to improve them, people go crazy.

It’s good to be informed

Isn’t this the site where people argue that overweight people are healthy too?

Yes. Obama doubled the deficit over the course of his administration. The fed has kept interest rates insanely, artificially, unsustainable low during the last 8 years. This has lessened the impact of the debt. This has also encouraged people with money to invest in stocks, since saving it in the bank yields so

He is rich. He is famous. He got elected President of the United States with no political experience on a fraction of the budget of the opposition, while being his crazy, unfiltered self. Even if you hate him, it is all very impressive.

Reminds be of when Ben and Jerry’s said they would limit pay in the top positions to 5x what they paid entry-level workers. It sounds nice, but no one qualified to be a CEO would work for them.

What do you mean? He can turn the thermostat down when he isn’t home.