
I voted for Obama in response to the enactment of the “Patriot” Act and other encroachments on civil liberties under Bush. Unfortunately Obama doubled down on those policies, and embraced drone strikes to boot.

He didn’t invent that.

Look at the bright side, at least now we can all agree Trump isn’t anti-Semitic.

I am down with states rights.

I need to find some “Trump is coming for your bong” propaganda.

Trump has a history of adjusting his position after consulting with experts.

I haven’t been this proud of our country since we, as a nation, stood up and shouted “NO. Russell Brand is NOT a movie star”.

Ideally, I want reporters to be both smarter than me and at least as honest. Ideally they would not ignore big stories because that don’t fit their narrative. There is a pretty big story about voter fraud uncovered in Detroit that no one is covering.

Good point, though the press aren’t the refs, they are the people in the bleachers yelling at the refs.

They’ve already softened the so called “Muslim ban”

He has also given hours of speeches in public.

Why would Trump want the press to go against him? It’s not his job to tell the press to be mean.

I really don’t think racism is growing. All the old racists kids are having mixed race kids.

Also Puss in Boots.

He’s got to get himself together.

Trump did an Andrew Dice Clay routine years ago? Crucify him!

It was a pleasant surprise to see him be the bad guy in Jurassic World. If you like him, check out The Substitute 2. He is actually imposing in it. He gets some decent fight scenes and his character is super nasty.

Good or bad, he knows what he is doing.

I wish Hilary was elected. She would let more immigrants into the United States and things would be better.

He is proud of his race and gender? Gross.