
Pennsylvania was the only state I called wrong. Lots of fraud there, I didn’t think Trump would pull through.

Am I reading that right? 2 People defected from voting for Trump, setting a new record (The previous was one), then 4 people couldn’t bring themselves to vote for Hilary?

I want Charles in charge of me.


I am fine with a two hour cruise. I draw the line at a three hour tour.

Have you spent time around Miami?

Who cares about what Henry Kissinger thinks? Patton Oswalt says Trump sucks.

Are the people mad about Tilda also mad about Hamilton? I can’t keep track of when I should be upset by casting.

When smart people meet Trump, generally they acknowledge that he is smart. The people who think he is dumb have never met him.

Yeah, no one is reporting on the massive voter fraud found in Detroit.

A lot of the people who went out to vote for the first couple times 4 and 8 years ago stayed home this year because they couldn’t get excited to vote for a white woman. On election night there were many shocked people on TV. “That’s odd, Obama won this county last time....”


51 years old? That’s the real story. Jeez.

Do the same people who think Trump won because of white supremacists (a tiny, powerless group) also believe that a Jewish man would have won the election?

Gays will see no loss of liberty in the next 4 years. All of the progress made will stand. The same goes for women and people of color.

The GSA says claims of what it said on conflict of interest are overblown:

I read on a couple of these gizmodo sites that is is dangerous and irresponsible to not trust the results of the election.

This is a weird development.

Thanks for womansplaining.