
Girlcrush indeed. Sabine is mine as well...

I’m rocking a 2001 Land Cruiser using the “you must keep it for at least 15 years” version of your game!!! :)

Sounds like a good case of “Might As Well” upgrade fever has set in.... :) In the 4x4 community, we typically suggest the correct sequence for prepping a vehicle is: 1. Safety 2. Reliability 3. Performance. There’s nothing sexy about a tune-up, plugs, fluid changes and greasing the u-joints... but it’s peace of mind.

So.....who is our best "car enthusiast" 2016 presidential candidate?? Forget ISIS, the economy and jobs.... THIS is serious

Sounds like the kind of “progress” that we have come to expect from electronic nannies... I drive an older Toyota LandCruiser and in the snow (despite being full-time 4WD) when it starts breaking traction it understeers (and beeps audibly and annoyingly) as it takes you right into the ditch or off the road.... A


One word: Craptastic

BOOO!!!! The video cuts off just as the doors were opening and all those fish were about to come pouring out!!!!!

It happens in the Mercedes AMG world all the time..... Good Lord I’ve seen people stick AMG badges on everything.... then a few "V8" badges for good measure.

tl;dr..... you failed.

Yeah Doug,

I’m not rich, and we’re not friends....

I always appreciated that Porsche gauges told me how many "Drucks" I had at any given time.


Hmmm..... I drive a 2001 with 140,000 on the odometer. :) The comments that a LandCruiser is "just broken in" at 100 - 150K are completely true. This vehicle is a still solid as a tank, asks for almost nothing in terms of maintenance, and at 15 years old still has an impressive resale value.... it is truly one of the

So the “latte salute” isn't appropriate?

“Did I just pop a tire.....?”

If you MUST by something boring, at least get a boring car that is grounded to the ground.

Safe to assume that your CTIS is broken?..... Airing down should have been as effortless for you as pressing a few buttons on the dash. :)

These types of events are why I always do all my illegal passing on the right.....