
So dangerous......everyone knows that electricity and water don't mix. -Ken M.

Well done......Dirka Dirka!!! Have a star.

“You bought a new red named it Brad. You LOVED....Brad."

Luckiest person: The guy wearing shorts on the sidewalk not even looking up from his phone as Mr. DigitalTireGuage almost punts him into the afterlife.

So.....were the bags of ice only needed because of the shattered "Cat-Chop" fan blades? Seems like the overall functionality of the truck was pretty damn good, so I'm dubious that there was a genuine cooling issue.

I dunno man...... it’s making the hairs on the back of my neck stand up when I think about “dumbing down” our world to accommodate people who are already doing the bare minimum. I'm not sure if it's more like the movie Idiocracy or that scene in Wall-E

Hey, I'm not decrying something like Distronic to keep you off the bumper of the guy ahead of you.... there's no driving pleasure to be had by doing that yourself. Yeah, the 880 commute sucks... but on Saturday morning when you're up early and want to head to Santa Cruz or down the coast to Monterey wouldn't you miss

Maybe. I’m just grappling with the idea that people will voluntarily spend tens-of-thousands of dollars on a “car” that serves only as an appliance to move them from point to point with the smallest amount of required personal involvement. It's going to change our language as well..... people won't even be able to

If you are the kind of person who actually wants a 100% autonomous vehicle to drive you around, I’m guessing you couldn’t care less about actually “OWNING” a car in the first place.... you’d be just as happy in the back of a taxi or an Uber. Auto manufacturers seem like they are in an all-out drag race to be the first

Funny Confession: Up until today I though Stef Schrader was a dude.... In my mind's eye he was most likely European, tall and had long hair and when I read “his” articles in my head there was just a hint of an accent in the voice as well. Turns out, the only thing I was correct about was the long hair. Damn. Sorry

Throw a couple of lawnchairs on that front bumper. It's a lovely place to relax and enjoy the day...

Bernie Sanders would have made SURE that absolutely every American got a Ford GT.... not just the Wall Street bankers.

Dearest Doug (because I know you like that),

@2:48 "In...Dee....Cate!!!" LOL

HA! My username is over there is just about as uncreative as it is here... LOL..... just add an "LCA" (for Land Cruiser Amazing) and Bob's your uncle. :)

I’m a member of the LC/LX (UJZ100 model) forum on iH8Mud. I drive a 15-year old LC and don’t really follow the LX stuff as closely, but I did learn two things from reading posts there: 1. AHC can be a real pain for the 2nd/3rd owner ($$$) if it’s been neglected... 2. If your LX came with the built-in Navigation

Touche! Point taken.... :)

My guess is that you’ve never had to deal with the AHC system failures...?

I feel your greyness....and raise you by a shade or two. I feel like a standup comic performing to an empty room. :)