
On my 2001 LandCruiser, you can kill the battery if you try to roll-up the windows from the passenger side!! If the passenger door is open (Drivers door shut) and you put the key in the ignition to allow you to roll up the windows the DRLs (headlights) will come on and will NOT shut back off when you pull the key,

Except that they are off by 3 decimal places.... GigaWatt is BILLIONs, not MILLIONs.

Bonus Points for not screwing up the insult by saying: #yourold

Insipid hashtag usage is another HUGE pet-peeve of mine these days:

Red wine, what difference does it make?

Not one but TWO brazen Volkswagen "emissions" jokes in a single article..... well played sir, well played.

I find it IMPOSSIBLE to believe that with close to a dozen people standing in the street and sidewalk filming this whole ordeal....there is not a single photograph or freeze-frame image available of the driver (in the car, or exiting the car)..... Jalopnikkers, I expected better from you! :)

$180,000 and they still couldn't find any budget to sneak in a set of portal axles???

The only thing this car needs now are some diplomatic plates from Qatar..... and a trip to Beverly Hills.

Nice license plate.

.....and a "rat rodded" Veyron in the driveway???

The electric motorcycle craze is losing steam.

You could have crashed a lot better in the V8

Super Nice!!! I think I see at least one of those that looks a LOT like the fabric in the ICON Bronco interiors??? Thanks for the link!

Jerry Woods is the "real deal" for engine work in the Porsche world. In the S.F Bay Area, I remember hearing his name a lot....usually when people with unlimited budgets were talking about the best shops around.... the claim that this 911 Turbo owner could have spent $35,000 on a Jerry Woods motor, doesn't sound all

Self-improvement exercise (Lane Positioning):

Greg approved!!!!

Clearly this guy watched "Ferris Bueller's Day Off" too many times...... it's a simple odometer rollback technique.

It's just a matter of time before someone posts up a your new avatar where the PT Crusier is replaced with a rollback towtruck.
