
The Oxycodone was needed to treat massive headaches caused by the Takata air bag recall...

I would like to trade your $400 oxygen sensor repair for the $1200+ steering rack replacement on my wife’s 2009 RX350 (with only 89,000 miles)...... Lexus, schmexus.

It's that noisy location with all the heavily-depreciating new cars parked out front!!!

I'll bet you are really fun at parties...

Technology that eventually found it's way right into the Camry Sport Edition!!!

The funny thing is that when I actually grew up, and got a job, and made some money, I ended up buying better vehicles than the ones I lied about. In other words: my eventual automobile-owning realities surpassed even my wildest pre-teen fantasies – and as I get older and remember those early years, all I can do is

I see what you did there.

I don't know how many miles are on that car, but I sure as hell see one million leaves in the cowl vents....

Thanks for provide the details behind what I'd already figured out through my own empirical observations...


Six months from's how your $10,000 Apple watch is going to feel to you...

Not just burnouts........Tongue-out burnouts!!!!

Just to clarify, the men in this video are not thieves.... they are "undocumented salesmen"

Reason #5..... even when the price bubble bursts, I can't afford one!!! :)

Hillary would look a lot better if she wore her hair up....

Bailing wire that forces the heater box flaps open all winter, but only produces enough heat to burn your left ankle while driving? Yep!

Wearing a hat and gloves and clearing the INSIDE of the windshield with a scraper???....Yeah, I've been there.....

Pants? Where'd you get pants!?

Now I can have a Venti GT3 with my Venti latte...

This is a stroke of genius....