Deal now with the commercial nuclear waste problem
Deal now with the commercial nuclear waste problem
Can someone please explain how they can justify this? If the world was truly this close to destruction for this many years it would have been a one in a million chance that we exist today. Continuously reporting the end of times gives the clock the same credibility as the bums holding the repent now signs.
Dramatically reduce proposed spending on nuclear weapons modernization programs.
Now, I find it strange that Batman would be so determined to “destroy” Superman when he is presumably putting his supervillains in Arkham Asylum instead of killing them. So it’s okay to kill the Man of Steel if he has a one percent chance of killing more people, but the Joker, who has a 99.9 percent chance of killing…
Why not Tom Hiddleston? He’s a pretty man...can pull off the androgynous look...and he’s got singing chops.
I have to agree with him. I liked the way Man of Steel ended.
Okay. This has reached peak what-the-fuck-ness.
Marvel may have brought together all their best superheroes in The Avengers, but DC is bringing together their very…
“It Spans About 70 Acres Across”
This. I haven’t slept in a tent in years. Hanging is the way to go, and an underquilt is key!
The truth is...I am Iron Flamingo.
I just got back from a four-night camping trip out in the Ozarks of Arkansas over the New Year weekend. Hammock camping is my preferred method. As mentioned elsewhere, an underquilt is the usual way to go, but I got by just fine down to about 20 degrees with my Thermarest Z-lite sleeping pad, a cheap Costco down…
Not sure why everyone needs to qualify wanting to see it. It looks good so far. Deal with it.
Actually, no. 35mm film is a little less than 4k digital, in terms of resolution (different film stocks produce varying results); you’ll see numbers quotes such as “3.2k or 3.5k” for the 35mm resolution. IMAX approaches 8k, but only with a pristine, top quality print without much processing (which is not the case…
Everything about this is stupid. I’m a vegetarian. I was a vegan for 7 years.
The cholesterol limit was not “mysteriously dropped.” 30 years of scientific research have proven that dietary cholesterol has little to no impact on your bodies total cholesterol. Eating eggs does not lead to an increase in heart disease or…
I’m a nuclear engineer, I work in the industry, and I live this every day. Is that enough? Jaczko IS anti nuclear. The new plants in the US were delayed in part because the NRC (reminder, under him) to issue the licenses to start construction. Now one can argue that that’s okay because they were doing some re…
“I thought about how much a part of my life Star Trek was,” Lin said. “Growing up, my parents had this little fish and chips restaurant in Anaheim in the shadows of Disneyland, and they didn’t close until 9 PM. As a family, we didn’t eat dinner until 10 PM, and we would watch the original Star Trek every night at 11.…
I disagree. Nuclear energy done right is not a monster. It can be done right, and the rewards outweigh the risks when it is. It is irrationality that is holding it back. The image of a mushroom cloud
For the last time, there’s a big difference between a proven concept and a viable, practical implementation on a large scale.
Jaczko is a protoge of Harry Reid, and despite the fact that he was chairman of the NRC is actually quite anti nuclear in his outlook. (Republicans aren’t the only ones that can do burrow in people to destroy government agencies.) His views are overly pessimistic about nuclear, especially when it comes to the timeline…