Handsome Dick Manitoba

I knew Trump wasn’t serious about this. He would really try and sell this as a “Happy Meal” program.

Another mind numbing piece of yellow journalism.

It would be hard to top Chase Utley’s “World Fucking Champions” after the 2008 World Series victory, but this might’ve done it.

Knick fans won’t stop drinking and/or praying until Jim Dolan becomes a corpse.

The least they could’ve done is spell out Brady.

The Nunes Memo nothing more than the same tired talking point of.... “Yeah!, Well. um. er. The Democrats Did This!!!”

Unless you have money on of those State of the Union Bingo Cards, cancel the fucking thing.

I for one believe that Alex Reimer made a mistake and he has to learn the consequences of what he said. I believe that he won’t learn much from this though, he will grow angry, full of hatred and find a way reap his potential professional benefits. He will be hired by the Trump Administration to oversee the CHIP

The GOP will just comeback with a New No Abortion Before Conception Bill.

He might want to get a second opinion. Does he have the phone numbers to Dr. Mocha or Dr. Latte?

Yes, I think they’re that team that always loses to the Harlem Globetrotters.

Let’s Remember Sam Vincent

Of course Brooks is a mystery. You can’t get any more obscure as being the head coach of the Wizards.

With all the new technology, it is clear the kids have cheddar options.

He won’t nearly serve all of that sentence! Give it a year and and an inmate will shank him.

What a bad publicity deal for the State of Oklahoma, but you knew this would happen Sooner than later.

I hope he spends his retirement running into a pommel horse without jumping.

WE ARE 138! WE ARE 138!....WE ARE 138!!!!....days til June 10th.

Fuck Bank of America!