Met/Jet fans don’t travel well outside of Long Island, Yankees/Giants have more of a national following.
Met/Jet fans don’t travel well outside of Long Island, Yankees/Giants have more of a national following.
This is accurate, I am hoping for 0-16 but they are just shitty enough to win 5 games.
All this is, is the lede to tomorrow’s Jets entry, I’ll make popcorn in advance.
The photo shows his brief association with the Four Horsemen.
Bud Selig creates a new argument as to who belongs in the “Hall of the Not Very Good”.
This is very very surprising, I just don’t understand. Why is this not filed under LOLMets?
Lucky Whitehead was actually George W. Bush’s Secret Service code name.
They can’t exactly file it under Client#9
They should wait for a day where Noah is actually pitching. Therefore, the Met fans won’t feel so shafted.
It worked for David Ortiz, Price just needs to set off some ‘f’ bombs the next time Boston has a national tragedy in the news.
Penn State prefers that defensive coordinators screw children in the ass not the football program itself.
You guys are really trying to make me like Nick Saban. (sighs) Ok, I like Nick Saban, Belichick can still fuck off.
IU fans only come out in droves whenever a coach throws a chair.
This is quite an allegory of the career of Tiger Woods.
David Stern’s real legacy is that he made folks like Donald Sterling and James Dolan very wealthy.
Murphy’s first attempt to clear the air wasn’t successful. He should not have started with “Porter is my favorite dark beer”
Just an overenthusiastic Trump supporter exercising his 2nd Amendment Rights.
This is very addictive, I feel like watching it again an hour later.
Time for some Surf Punk
As a Yankee fan Lauren, quit ruining my fun. Go write something about the NBA Finals like everyone else on Deadspin is doing.