The NBA needs drama like this to make up for the fact the competition is very boring and dull. Kind of like today’s WWE.
The NBA needs drama like this to make up for the fact the competition is very boring and dull. Kind of like today’s WWE.
He played football at Notre Dame, that’s a good enough reason there.
Kind of a weird take on JV Beavers.
I’ll take it that they won’t use the popular Boston slogan of Porn Hub of the Universe.
What the public wants to know is this. Is James Comey Elite?
Remember folks, nobody in the NBA has come back from being down 3-0 in a series, so there is always hope Cleveland. By hope, I mean I hope you have a nice summer.
Both Norris and the Rays said in statements that they will cooperate with MLB’s investigation.
+1 Von Erich Family
By the looks of things, this series is far from Finnish. (shows myself out)
It really does feel like football again! I just got a concussion viewing that video.
Maybe I don’t want to wait before singing Tom Sawyer
Kevin Durant has finally met his match. Who is else is a better expert at smack talk than Rihanna.
They had a rough 108 years and now they are talking about one week?!?
The hostage swap passed all protocols of the Geneva Convention.
Man, being fired from two jobs in two days. Kathy Griffin really can’t catch a break.
When Pekka Rinne got pulled, I would’ve thrown a pumpkin on to the ice. Just to remind him that the clock struck midnight.
Of course Tiger was coming from Jupiter. Didn’t the cop noticed the ‘big red spot’ on his forehead after he stiffed a hooker.
You just can’t take the Fightin’ Irish out of some people.
I’m glad Simon is moving on from this and have a productive future.. However, Tim Beckman continues his “work through the pain” philosophy as a shift supervisor at one of Ivanka Trump’s sweatshops.