Handsome Dick Manitoba

This shows a real life example of the Capitals taking a shit in the Second Round.

“Amateurs” - Christian Laettner

In prison he can bend over and understand what it would be like to be a Cocker Spanier

Who do you like in the NCAA’s Men’s Hockey Tournament?

Celebrating a win before the game starts is more of a blonde moment.

+1 All Hail

Or, you could watch the NCAA Men’s Ice Hockey Tournament and actually be entertained.

Too bad they already decided to hire John Thompson IV.

however we’re going to run it next year, if it’s full triangle, it’s possible

Bacillus Cereus also ruled the Roman Empire in the 2nd Century A.D.

Trump does have the hands to match.

“Isn’t Opening Day in a couple of weeks?!?”  Anyway back to your brackets and Shaq’s Flat Earth Theory” -ESPN

Yeah, but look who the NFL hired to do the training video.

By not solving the puzzle the poor dude is out a k or two.

You cut off the article after 10 years when you obviously have 40+ years of material here. Sad.

Trump, The First Hundred Days: Golf and This

Mexican Justice is very effective for those that steal Tom Brady Jerseys.

Jet fan here, My take is that I’ll be watching a lot of college football and working double shifts on Sundays.

The dog was intercepted by the Chinese skier who later quit the race to have lunch.

Somewhere out there...there is a rooster stroking his cock.