Handsome Dick Manitoba

It shouldn’t shock anyone that the NCAA has been ruled under Marshall Law for years.

Every time Duke loses in the second round, an angel gets its wings.

Meh, I’ll wait for the College Hockey Tourney to start next week.

Zeke just wanted to see her bra(cket)

I have the perfect answer for the Kings, the Magic, and the Nets. Contraction.

There must be some sort of contest in the GOP Congress to see who can come up with the most fascist quote of the week.

I’m actually a little disappointed in the winners. Not because they celebrated early, not because lacked effort throughout the game. But I don’t see one mullet out of any of these kids.

I always wanted Oklahoma to host a football game in December and call it ‘The Dust Bowl’

Bliss is currently the men’s basketball coach at Southwestern Christian University. God knows why.

Tevez learned enough English to understand that all they eat in Shanghai is Stinky Tofu. With an introduction like that, I would never eat Chinese Food.

One of the reasons why Thurman Munson was one of my favorite Yankees.

The Redskins did not do a good job putting a blanket on the situation.

I believe Ho-Sang was retired as an XFL Jersey

(pictured: Bettman’s chances of keeping the Coyotes in Arizona)

That’s reaching some Golan Heights!

That game will be known forever as The Six Inning War

I guess this picture took place AFTER the fight.

Somewhere in the heavens...King Kong Bundy demands a five-count.

I’m beginning to understand where Kellyanne gets it from.

The NBA reminds me more and more like show business.