Handsome Dick Manitoba

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This Yankee fan hopes Sale is a clubhouse cancer that spreads to the entire team.

Could be worse, on weekends she is Virginia Foxxx ‘Pole Dance Expert’

For now Jets Starting Quarterback is now Bryce Petty

He gave them a deal on the Brooklyn Bridge and some Florida swampland.

“Retirement? He just passed the audition”- Pete Carroll

Cheer up Cam, in a way you were 33 points away from a tie last night.

Somebody spelled “errors” wrong.

I’d hate to go through that crowded restaurant, oh wait I’m not in Minneapolis

Cuban missed the real conspiracy. Its clear the refs were letting the Nets (team with a 7 game losing streak) beat the Clippers (14-4).

(pictured: despised kingpin show gang symbols)

Allow me to inject some perspective, I am positive steroids were not involved.

What a stupid thing to do. Just like with Michael Jordan, the idea is to have enough money to buy a professional team not an amateur one, someone needs to fire Kobe’s business manager.

Well finally a black box where no one wants to know its contents after the fact.

I would have gone with Grab her by the Khaki

and thus after 150 years, Vegas contributes to the Civil War.

I agree but the turf was created as an abstract art piece by some guy 40 years ago drunk on Molson and barfing on poutine.

Just what we wanted another Chiefs vs Texans playoff game.

It’s always best to enjoy Bill Simmons on TV with the power off.

Probably the biggest output of offense produced by Purdue all season.