
athletic trainers were ready with water on the sideline of the workout

Your gonna sit there at your MacBook Air and question an elite program you’ve never had you’re hands in the dirt I bet you dont know what it takes to make the pack 12 champs

Irele Oderinde is clearly a made-up name

Snyder really isn’t that bad, come on

Imagines the trademark office in Washington:

Your written English is pretty good for a Frenchman.

Yeah, toothpaste is also bad because it fucks with your natural tongue/tooth film that is there to protect your mouth.

and deodorant is basically just rubbing chemicals on your pits to cover up the smell.

You get used to the smell, others don’t.

It won’t be!

You thought wrong.

^^^^^^^^ The Smelly guy in your office.

I think you misunderstood Trump. An “elite” is anyone who reads fucking nerd-ass books and talks about things in regards to nuance. If you’re a billionaire, who thinks the key to defeating ISIS is whipping out your schlonger and dipping bullets in pig’s blood, you’re not an “elite” your a common man American fucking

I know “Woosta” gets all the press, but the “Quinzee” pronunciation is really underrated in the grand scheme of “Why the fuck does that sound like THAT?”

More irrelevant societal blather from dungeon dwellers. 

What’s at stake here will likely be boiled down by Washington football fans as a matter of free speech. That’s not the case. The Patent and Trademark Office’s restriction on disparaging terms falls under the guise of “government speech,” which is held to a different standard than regular free speech allowances.

4-4 split means appeal court decision stands. I.e. Slants and Redskins can be registered even if disparaging.

Of course, everyone here will dwell on the (understandable) offensiveness of the Redskins while ignoring the reality of The Slants. If this Asian American can secure the name of The Slants, what objective line can you create to prevent the Redskins? You have to be a member of the class? That’s nebulous at best.

As someone in middle America, fuck you.

Judge: I can see how Tam’s case is a form of “re-appropriation.” But in regards to the Redskins, I still have....
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