
Just sounds like forced obsolescence 

You just know she can’t wipe correctly, use a bidet, or read by just looking at her. I can almost taste a picture of her and it tastes like the caustic inner coating of a Wellbutrin pill.

She is a very devout Christian but makes exceptions for herself, has no shame and is a sexual deviant to her employees. You’re correct that is a little to on the nose for me to laugh at. It’s like Jeffrey died for her sins and she repays it by using him as a Fashionable handbag.

Cocaine is a hell of a drug!!

Not a fan

How dare they indeed

Don’t be a follower

Well I’m just so glad this is all cleared up now. It was very stressful for me and I may need therapy going forward.

I am so excited for smack down 

God forbid the employees get pay and bonuses. 😱what a tragedy

“Just trust?” now that’s not what kotaku is all about. You people make no sense on here.

Hey thanks for moving forward the next wave of layoffs

Guy just doesn’t want to play with you. Eeeek barba durkel!!!

Yah it’s kinda gay bro

Yah not getting a real job sucks. None of this implys even a single play. The good actors will hopefully get lost in the play.

That’s one hell of a costume.

It’s like a whole job. Unions and everything 

Ok I’ll do it. We’ve passed the point where you don’t understand the show. We are at the point of you outright refusing to get it. Pack your shit and get out.

Does krylon raise the pay to livable wages?????

It would be cool if ikea paid its workers a livable wage. Stop promoting slave wages kotaku.......