
That’s a picture taken in Starfield.

Every article like this is written by someone that had the show spoiled for them. 🤣🤣

Ummm yeah I would totally use the Lengthenator on my Di……Summer.

Shame on them for wanting to make money. They’re probably gonna use it to make another game instead of buying every employee a new Home and car.

I assure you very few people at Walmart work as hard as he does and I’ve never seen a video from him.

Have you considered a different hobby? Some games just aren’t going to be an option and Ive had to learn to live with that.

Kotaku never disappoints. Every time I open the site it’s an article bitching about something.

Color me surprised. An article bitching about something nobody has seen. I know it’s hard to transition jobs but Kotaku is getting to Zacks head. They’re so negative that it rubs off on the Articles. The readers are turning on each other constantly writing walls of text( like this one) telling each other their

What part are you missing out on. You sail, you plunder, you pirate. You certainly don’t want some of the other “Parts” to be touched in this game I can assure you of that.

How many time do I have to tell you not to point out how often I pretend to have integrity?

Shame on you for bringing up how often i pretend to have integrity.

Bad prenup sound like that guy I was always in rehab with that would randomly tell girls that he doesn’t masturbate or watch porn because he doesn’t get the “personal connection”. I’ve been in rehab four times with him. All four times he went home with a rehab girl and all four times it blew up in their face. All four

And you think they care?

They’re all fucking mass killers morally corrupt is not a strong enough word to describe them. No grey area… nothing. They are fucking bad guys.

How gracious of you. We all appreciate your sacrifice of 88 minutes of your time. A note has been made in the annals of history. I’ll put it between Louis Pasteur and the guy who started Dave & Busters.

Thank you for your service as a white man

Thank your for your service 🤝

Thank you for your service 🤝

Looks like a damn fight stick and that’s cool.

I come from the future to tell all of you this is a terrible idea and a huge mistake.