
Boobs offend Stanley kirk burrell. 

I’m sorry breasts offend you

I need to know who in the duck was against “titties” in the game. Get that insecurity bullshit out of here. Fuck blizzard.

Yeah..... Not a dick joke though. The scrotum is not the dick. It’s a essentially a safety device used to protect the testicles. Also testicles aren’t Dicks either.

Eric is a representation of one or several mental illnesses.

I have a feeling they’re going to turn sharply into the “wokeness” of the characters. Kind of like some shows do nowadays to show how ridiculous the level of sensitivity is.

Oh don’t worry about it the imaginary character did nothing wrong.

Pic from 2013. Allegations went mainstream in 2014.

Cool name crap game

Dualomite sounds like a riff on Dolomite. A real life mineral and apparently the name of an antacid medicine. It’s very popular among collectors. Somebody read to much into nothing.

They want your data

Don’t care I’ll still play their games.

I don’t agree with it, but it is their platform.

Oh so you’re just a racist.

That sucks

This really puts me in the dumps. I thought this was something we could all appreciate and get Behind.

They literally made a game about him not wearing a hat.

You’re a fucking racist. 

I’m willing to bet kotaku sends somebody to cover it.

Exactly they were just playing off his accent. Kinda like the “Lets-a-go!!!”