
Why do people sign up for jobs and then bitch and complain later. I’ve never taken a minimum wage job before and if I did I can’t blame the company. I’d have to blame myself for signing ON THE DOTTED LINE.

But I just paid for it.

How about you wait for the game to release and flip your bullshit on its head.

Just cancel and then replace her already.

Heather was crap

How many of these stories do you have in the chamber. You’re timing is impeccable and almost seems coincidental.

I don’t see how you don’t think Batman is sexy as fuck in that leather outfit. Batman is sexualized in the games that’s why it’s not some parking lot security guard running around knocking the shit out of a clown.

They did have a women’s wrestling match.

Virginia was a southern state.

Not enough gayness 0/10

You can be for the borders and against ice. You do realize humans are nuanced and complex beings right?

I didn’t realize you were the most victimized victim in the history of victimized victims being victimized. I didn’t realize that instead of trying to understand and be tolerant of you, we were supposed to pity and feel bad for you. Should I baby and coddle you or do you wanna grow up and be the person you know you

I kinda wanna kick THeWorldWantsMeDeads ass. Not because they are trans but because they are a delusional asshole.

Just because the person said they’ve seen an article doesn’t make them transphobic. You were wound up waiting to blow up on somebody before you even read the comment. There is all kinds of false information and claims coming from all sides. I understand you’re a very angry person but blowing the hell up on non trans

Bad idea to just ban accused. People lie about this stuff. Even if it’s a small percentage of people that do it gives the small percent of shitty people much more incentive. What’s to stop asshole edge lord teenage boys from submitting bogus accounts of assault or harassment.

Not trying to be insensitive but you should report him. Think of the others that were abused and could be abused. Don’t be implicit 

Slave” and “Master are not racial terms.  Seems he’s cashing in on experiences he never had.

Wow your bullet points just described segregation.

Godammit it’s just a mother fucking video game 

I hear dumber and dumber shit every single day.