
Dylan has come out of nowhere this season to become one of my favorite characters. I thought she was a little vaguely defined in the first season - she was super-competitive and that was about it - but this was a really nice episode for her. Of course she would assume a prank meeting was to plan pranks. And a lot of

I haven’t seen it yet, but I’d like to encourage more Speechless coverage.

Okay, let’s talk about tonight’s episode of Speechless.

I loved the idea that Ray would actually enjoy being someone else for a change. Plus, dream-Jimmy’s unfazed acceptance of the “Body switching isn’t real” tattoo.

Cam telling Gloria he found her hometown stories kind of hard to believe was funny in a hypocritical way. The Dunphy siblings actually talking to each other as human beings was a nice rarity. Mitch and Cam continue to have a just awful marriage. Joe’s God costume was a reliable source of jokes. It didn’t have the

New TMBG is always welcome. It’s wonderful to have a band that is so close to my sensibilities. I don’t know how people cope without one.

It sounds like this is really worth checking out, thank you!

It’s a very close call for me, but I will put Speechless ahead of the Good Place. As inventive and creative as the Good Place is, they can literally do anything they want from the fantastic to the ridiculous to the fantastically ridiculous. Speechless has the handicap of being constrained by reality, with few

Bring back Speechless reviews please AV Club.

And get rid of Kinja.

Then start watching Speechless. It’s worth the half hour a week.

It’s a terrific show and the entire cast is enjoyable. Bowie is very funny on the show but also nails the sweeter or sadder moments, like the moment in the first season when he doesn’t want J.J. to play hockey because of him facing enough physical pain and challenges in his life already.

I think it’s the best sitcom on all of TV right now and they got absolutely hosed at the Emmys.

Speechless is the best sitcom ABC has right now hands down

No, Dripping Yellow Madness, you IDIOT.
I’ve seen Galactostorm and Geosquad and Galactorstorm 2, STUPID.

Every damn time I hear this title, this is the first thing that leaps to mind:

The best, most original comments are both gross while embracing the “this is still on?” commenting trope for shows you don’t watch. Classic stuff.

I’m really glad the first two episodes of S2 are as good as S1. Ray with a girlfriend is pretty funny. I love seeing Kenneth interacting with more than JJ and Maya. And Jimmy being a responsible adult is a great plot for him.

Johnny Cash doing “Hurt”, that’s not a cover, that’s a remake.

Basically, none of the stuff with Maya could’ve happened in the span of a day. All of those kids came in with IEPs, so the district is legally obligated to uphold them as written until they hold an IEP meeting - has to be held within 30 days of transferring into the district, then the team must make decisions as to

You mean Kate Bush is not already in? How that happen?