
This is a broadcast of a new 38 disc boxset which collects pretty much all of the audio recorded at the event. Andy Zax, whose baby this immense project is, was a guest on The Best Show last month:

I just read a John Fogerty interview from earlier this week where he was still a little salty about the Dead going on too long and forcing CCR to play after midnight, when he claims the crowd was too tired to really pay attention or get into it. In fact, he cites that as the reason he’d never allowed their performance

i’ll also recommend the new PBS/The American Experience documentary about Woodstock that is streaming now. it’s great.

They’re synchronizing the dates, not the days of the week.

This is great.  And WXPN is highly recommended in general.

I remember that, as bad as I thought all the happenings of “Gump & Co.” were, what pissed me off the most was that the denouement of the book was... Forrest spanking Forrest Jr., and Junior INSTANTLY becoming the perfect child after.

Stories have meaning, whether fictional or not. People can rightfully take umbrage with the film’s messaging, and one that is explicitly engaging with politics and history is certainly not beyond reproach.

I defend this movie a lot when people trash it for being too saccharine or whatever, but Jesus Christ this sounds like a train wreck. Bullet dodged.

Maybe because the movie is a whitewashed account of American history? You think the story would be the same if he were black? His whiteness is incredibly important, and (one) reason why the film is seen as so retrograde.

I recall after 9-11 people were talking about ‘the death of irony’ in America. There were some things we’d never be able to joke about again. But, if memory serves, it wasn’t 3 years later that the first ‘skyscraper collapse’ appeared in a film, and movie villains have been blowin’ up skyscrapers by the dozen ever

There was a book sequel it sucked. 

Actually it appears to make less sense after reading the article. Apparently this screenplay wasn’t even really based on the sequel novel.

The sequel novel apparently opens with Forrest advising the reader “Don’t never let nobody make a movie of your life’s story” and routinely makes meta-references to the film adaptation. Every terrible idea mentioned in this article, though, seems to be wholly invented by the screenwriter rather than originating from

At first, I thought the same thing. But then, I realized that any time most people describe a person who isn’t white, the first adjective is the race/color of the person.  So why not call him white first?

“The reason it didn’t go forward, apparently, is how the story no longer felt like it had “meaning anymore” after 9/11. 

I might have been watching it wrong, but Forrest Gump was a pretty dark movie, to me. I saw it in a theater a few weeks after it opened. The crowd was sparse and there was no patriotic fervor or clapping that I understand happened at the beginning of the movie’s run. That is, we all liked it but didn’t take it as the

If Wikipedia’s plot summary is to be believed, Forrest invents New Coke.

I’m surprised no one mentioned the fact that the author of the sequel novel specifically wrote it like this in response to the movie with the intention of basically making it an unfilmable wreck.