
Can we just admit that Beth Pearson is an amazing actress? For her to have heard that message then continued to play the doting wife was just above and beyond.

I don’t know how This Is Us pulled it off, but somehow Randall and Toby swapped places as my favorite and least-favorite characters.

Bart does the same thing though. In “Summer of 4'2" he’s the most popular kid in school and still tries to destroy Lisa because... She had the audacity to make three or four out of town friends?

Then there’s the time he nearly ruined her Presidency in the future.

I always think of the “kids news” episode where Lisa becomes so insanely jealous of Bart’s fluff human interest stories that she puts him in mortal danger.  I mean, I love Lisa Simpson as a character and she sometimes has good cause to feel underappreciated in her family but when she goes full-blown jealousy monster

Well once you have a four part radio series on the agonizing pain you live in every day, you’ve got an excuse

“Hello, this is Moleman in the Morning. Good Moleman to you.”

I had to go to the ER on a Friday night 3 weeks ago and I had “Waiting Room” stuck in my head the entire time. 

And in the end, sadly, there will be no epitaph or marker to herald his greatest contribution :(

So, I’m pretty sure baby Jack isn’t going to make it. There was some foreshadowing in the preview for the next episode, coupled with Chrissy Metz’s publicly saying that the end of the season is heartbreaking.

That’s the one thing that’s still stuck in my head this morning... after all the talk about child care, WHO IS WATCHING THE GIRLS?!!

ER actually did a great storyline about Dr. Benton’s preemie son, and how that effected him, the child’s mom, and his career over the next few seasons. 

It felt like she was starting to develop dementia, although it may have been a lack of sleep and/or low blood sugar. Wasn’t there a flash-forward in a previous episode where Beth or Randall said something like, “I wonder if she’ll recognize us”?

I think it’s waiting room trauma done subtly (surprising for this episode). She is haunted by the fact that she left Jack to get a candy bar and while she was gone he died. She’s also haunted by that bite she took. She’s not eating because of that trauma I think.

Now playing

Too easy, but I can never think of Chilton without thinking of The Replacements.

And to be fair, the rat does symbolize obviousness.

Dolly Parton rules. Dolly Parton hosting her own party would be a blast. Something feels off about Dolly Parton hosting someone else’s party, though. I had completely forgotten the idiocy of Neil Patrick Harris’ briefcase until reading this, it would be wrong for Parton to have to deal with that kind of nonsense

Now playing

Neil Patrick Harris, who offered the most energetic hosting opening number in the history of the Tonys in 2013

It never got better than, “Uma, Oprah” unless of course we’re talking Rob Lowe singing. 

Who knew Mike Mills had all this (justifiable) rage within him?  It’s like watching McFly make a fist and finally punch Biff in the face.