
I’ve got it on now — Sweetwater just wrapped “My Crystal Spider” and are starting “Two Worlds.” :)

As much as I hated ‘Gump & Co.,’ this sequel script actually sounds even worse. :p

I didn’t think it would ever be possible, but especially in the last couple episodes or so I went from being increasingly annoyed with the election storyline to actively disliking Randall; I literally applauded when Beth ripped into him about his voicemail message. I’m actually kinda looking forward to the fallout

Now playing

I agree, Toby and Kate were the best part of this episode — Toby’s fake-out with Miguel made me laugh out loud (but then I was like, “Poor guy!”), while Kate talking to her dad moved me to tears in a way that Rebecca’s speech (well-acted as it was) couldn’t quite do.

Time to go pound some Cunth! :D

Ugh, Jimmy. But I guess he wasn’t so bad here — he seemed genuinely awestruck to be chatting with two of his heroes, that old lip-synch clip was a hoot, and I thought it was so sweet how he gave them those birthday gifts (in Mike’s case, about three weeks early so they were still wrapped). Mike and Ad, of course, were

That was a record ‘cause of Mario! :)

CYH, PB and HN are actually my top three — PB happens to have several of my favorite songs (“Shadrach,” “Hey Ladies,” “Looking Down the Barrel of a Gun,” “Sounds of Science,” “Shake Your Rump,” “Johnny Ryall,” and pretty much all of “B-Boy Bouillabaisse”), I have a soft spot for CYH since it’s the first BBoys album I o

They’ve got more stories than JD’s got Salinger, so you know it’s gonna be good. :)

As much as I’ve enjoyed a number of their songs and videos over the years, it wasn’t until earlier this year — after finding out the Beastie Boys’ book would be finished / released before year’s end and it would be taking a different sort of approach to the musician memoir — that I started taking a deep dive into the

Oh, and there was an episode in s.2 (2x9, “Star Wars Wars”) where Maya baited Jimmy with a claim about how the Brits invented punk-rock, and he replied, “Joey Ramone and the city of Detroit would beg to differ.” :) (Clarifying the Detroit part, he added, “The MC5 [had] 8 years on the Sex Pistols, with all due

On the “Oscar Party” episode of ‘Speechless’ (1x16), when Jimmy and Maya were supposed to be entertaining a group of their fellow special-needs parents, Jimmy instead used the dads to do household chores for him; but then he felt guilty upon recognizing that they actually have “interests [and] taste,after one dad

Great line! xD And while I wasn’t a big fan of the Jessica’s-book storyline this season, I still absolutely loved the capper, with her getting the Stephen King quote she wanted — from his restraining order against her. If it ends up being the series finale (though I somehow doubt it, since it’s only a 9-ep half-season

Technically, it’s replacing ‘Fresh Off the Boat,’ which wrapped its season this week. :( But yeah, after next week’s double-episode premiere, ‘Roseanne’ will be getting ‘The Middle’s spot, and ‘The Middle’ is getting bumped to FOTB’s former spot.

Ray first discovered the crawlspace, fought over it with Dylan, and ultimately worked out an arrangement to share it with her in 1x9 (“S-L—Sled H-O—Hockey”); and eventually it came up again this season (2x8, “B-I—Bikini U-N—University”) when Dylan was keeping a secret pet snake there. :)

Yeah, I can’t help but wonder what else this season could’ve done if only it had had an additional 4-5 eps... :\ I suppose it’s just as well that the writers went with a JJ-gets-held-back storyline (so there wouldn’t have been plans for a graduation episode that the order-cut would’ve messed with); but even so,

To be honest, I’m still trying to process it... I do think it’s unfair that this show didn’t get a full season, and I really hope it gets renewed.

I noticed last night’s had the exact same character pairings (Maya/Ray, JJ/Dylan, Jimmy/Kenneth) as the Christmas episode earlier this season; so I was impressed with how those relationships were further explored without being a total rehash:

With the new Film class pal, the JJ/filmmaking storyline continues to pay off; and I loved how this ep got real about the challenges he faces in simply trying to make friends. :) (One of next Wednesday’s episodes is supposed to deal with JJ directing a class project, so we should be seeing more Aaron there.)

Though Logan isn’t listed among the guest actors in the next three press releases, one of the March 14 episodes (1x16, “One A-N—Angry M—Maya”) is supposed to have Maya serving jury duty along with Logan and Taylor’s mom; so I’m hoping they get into it a little bit about (or at least make a reference to) their sons’