
Shame. :\ Besides “Walls,” I loved his recording of Lucinda Williams’ “Change the Locks” on it (as did Lu herself). :)

Hard to pick just one, but I have a soft spot for “Free Girl Now” from 1999's ‘Echo;’ at the time I was living in Omaha, and there was a great new free-form radio station (sadly, it would only last about a year) that would play this song quite a bit.

Yup, I like that they seem to be doubling down on Raylor (for now, anyway). :D

Yup. :) I’ve followed his career since ‘Citizen Ruth’ and I haven’t been let down yet.

^^ THIS. While it seems like more and more I’m taking a wait-and-see, sample-before-you-buy attitude to nearly piece of new music I’m thinking about getting (even by artists I’ve considered my favorites at one time or another), TMBG are probably the only band wherein I still eagerly anticipate their next work and will

Grunge for me, too. I was 12-13 at the time, and my sister (who’s about a year-and-a-half older) and I had grown up with Top 40 pop music (though I also had a taste for Oldies radio) — I think the last things we could agree on were REM, Genesis and Peter Gabriel before our tastes really started to splinter. So when

I’m sure Elvis Costello has quite a few that I would not want directed at or inspired by me, but “Tramp the Dirt Down” (1989) and “How to Be Dumb” (1991) probably take the cake. o_O

UMCOR is where I donated — I heard about them through my United Methodist-Presbyterian church this past weekend. (Besides taking money donations, they also sent out lists of items for emergency supply kits that people could put together and donate.)

Mmm, free goo...

Nope, you’re good. I merged my Kinja with my Disqus through my Google+ account. :)

I'm also a longtime lurker who, aside from a few upvotes and comments over the years, didn't start getting into it regularly until earlier this summer. :)

more Dawes:

It is (revealed at about the 2:10 mark). :)

They had the craziest things in that paper.

Good one. :D I thought this bit from 'Role Models' was funny, too:

Excellent wrap-up to a fine final season and a mostly solid series. Thanks for the recaps / discussion posts! :)

Ah, that's probably where she got it — we didn't have cable, but she could've watched B&B at a friend's house (since she would also quote Beavis' "Fire! Fire!" and nattering about "Cornholio"). :)

"On the plus side, it beats the news."

Good ones! When I was growing up, my sister used (among other things) "fart-knocker." :D

Heard you swearin' — mind if I join in? Crap boobs crap!