Gray Talk

Bam! Thank you for reminding me of the greatness of Funky Finger Productions this morning.

As someone who believed in What Splinter Could Have Been, I mostly just miss David Roth. But he gets to write for other places these days too

So, if you just accept the standard characterization of the U.S. regarding every leader that has ever threatened the global interests of the U.S. elite, yeah, Sanders’s comments seem pretty wild. On the other hand, looked at on balance, essentially saying authoritarianism is obviously bad, but that not every communist

It is always the quiet ones.

I would like to take this opportunity to point out that referencing this scene is more dated than the outdated reference made IN that scene.

Actually the one good thing about Twitter is that all these assholes get up close and personal with actual humanity replying to tell them why they fucking suck shit.

“far left regimes” sound scary until you realize that his comments are pretty mild and in the case of Nicaragua if you are on the opposite side you are supporting nun murder.

Thanks for the feedback, pal! We’ll see you back here tomorrow!

He’s a rich white guy. How long do you think its been since he carried his own baggage?

♩ ♪ My name is Michael Bloomberg and I’m here to say,

How much more dank could these memes be? None. None more dank.

Billionaires, they’re just like you and me, if you and me had so much money we could always get what we wanted, and therefore getting everything we wanted was the default setting of our life and the only criteria by which we judged the value of an outcome and the idea of not getting what we wanted was so strange and

I work at a concert venue. Due to the musical taste of our booking guy, the two most common genres we book are jam bands and reggae bands. I’ve come to appreciate reggae, which I used to not like. So I can honestly say, because I’ve had experienced a representative sample size, I do not like jam bands. But I won’t

The NBA made everything about image and branding and gave classes to the players on how focusing on these two ideas will make them rich. The players bought into it and it led to the current NBA where huge stars will be allowed to wear a Black Lives Matter shirts and give mild lip service, but will refuse to criticize

Fandoms, be they of sports or media or religion or ethnicity or gender or nationality, are the worst thing to come from humans’ pack animal origins. It has never been good when the thing a person likes subsumes their identity. So I’d say it got out of hand around the time the first war started.

For all the well deserved criticism of the NFL I don’t understand why the NBA gets a pass when the same basic thing happened 20 years ago and their response was to make standing for the anthem a rule and to blackball the player who did it.

“Hey Philadelphia, what are you going to do if your team loses the Super Bowl?”
“Burn down the city!”
“What are you going to do if your team WINS the Super Bowl?”

No, you need a Minnesota Vikings grill and a Star Trek grill or I will fight you.

Stick to capes.

Obligatory I Miss Deadspin Comment