Gray Talk

I keep saying that the thing that bothered me most wasn’t that a racist was elected president, but that 63 million people were OK with a racist president and that after Trump was long gone, most of those 63 million people would still be here. Even if the election is a blowout, I will still be worried about more than

“This is white America’s problem, which they are going to have to atone for

Seriously, a complete dipshit of a reality TV star lost the popular vote by 3 million votes and still became POTUS.  It does prove something, but not what Kanye thinks it does.

“The fact that he won, it proves something”

I mean, that is amazing how you were able to find some semblance of actual strategy here. I can't possibly give Mr. West the same credit for deep thinking.  I'm leaning more towards shameless publicity stunt, occams razor and all.

The day the video was released (destroying Buffalo PD’s claim that Gugino tripped), I saw bottom feeders on twitter pointing out where Gugino had a bump on the back of his head, which was obviously a squib, and a wrinkle in his shirt that was really a trigger wire. It’s a wonder these people don’t hurt themselves

It pretty much goes without saying at this point, but if we could turn cognitive dissonance into a fuel source, and keep Trump locked up in perpetuity, we wouldn’t need a sun any more. Regardless, this is just another case of how if Trump is talking, Trump is finding some way to resolve the mess of contradictions that

I want to hear more about this crazy device that can disable police equipment by “scanning” it.  That’s some tinfoil hat shitty sci-fi stuff.

I’m really scared for Mr. Gugino. He’s lying in a hospital and Trump just put a target on him. Whose going to protect him? Not the cops because they are monsters. What’s to stop someone from showing up to his hospital room and trying to hurt him?


I grew up in a family of cops in a neighborhood full of cops - from inside of that environment, it just seems like The Way Things Are, and you have to be deliberately iconoclastic to ask if your neighbors, family, teachers, and everyone else around you is part of a racist system that degrades human dignity.

I too often find myself wondering to what extent racist, insecure bullies gravitate toward careers in law enforcement so they can brutalize people without consequences; compared to how many people become cops because they genuinely want to help their communities, but are corrupted by daily contact with bad people,

Didn’t love Cavill in either of his appearances, but now that Snyder’s out... wait, is Snyder out? What’s the over/under on whether or not he worms his way back into this thing now that the Snyder Cut is actually happening? If his toxic boy cult can shit their ill-fitting Under Armour loud enough to make WB cough up

Hope Cavill finds a Superman director that actually likes Superman.

It sounds like a small thing, but part of what works about Thanos is just that he has an actual range of emotions. When we see him on the Asgardian ship, he’s all business, threatening and sneering. When he’s with Gamora back on his ship, he’s softer, conciliatory, as he tries to reach out to his daughter and convince

I think the worst part for me is that I can genuinely imagine a compelling Darkseid pulled in this story, continuing from the concepts and poorly crafted themes in the previous two films. Them splicing in a bit of Tom King’s Mister Miracle (“Darkseid is”) and giving it to Affleck’s sociopathically paranoid Batman,

And what about the version that Jason Mamoa drank seven gallons of Mountain Dew and played air guitar to as he watched?

Him and Patton Oswalt made for a great comedy team on King of Queens, though.

He was a guest programmer once on Turner Classic Movies, where one of the movies he chose was A Night at the Opera and he recounted seeing it on release at 7 years old, where he just had the barest comprehension of what was going on with the Great Depression but still instinctively knew that seeing so many people

My aunt who, is in an interracial marriage, told me that seeing Stiller and Meara for the first time was a revelation and made her feel less alone. You’ll be missed Mr. Stiller. Thank you for a lifetime of laughs (and some drama!).